
Yep, typed through it quickly and didn’t proof read. Is there a way to edit posts your Highness?

I had the opportunity to be a driver in college, but never realized it until my senior year. I went to see if they needed help and was told that it wouldn’t make sense to hire me for only one season. I was PISSED, if I had known it was an option I would have been there freshman year.

I have met the CEO and his brother many moons ago when they first created the idea and the campaign. I was not impressed with Marcus, all he could ask/think about was what was the product worth, how much could they less it for, etc. Then at the end of the convo he starts talking about how he isilooking to buy a lambo.

The video is one from MotorTrend, with their new presenter Adam Sandler.

I only say it isn’t as fun at speed because it is simple to hit the switch and keep going. But at a stop light, they have to realize you hit it and they didn’t just stall out, then hit the switch, start the bike again and look like a n00b to every car around them.

There are a large number of bikes that come stock with solid bars:

I’ve taken my 2wd F250 with 7.3idi and bikes. But I do not venture past the hardpack. The front of that thing is WAYYYY too heavy. The bikes are a blast!

This is also fun to do on motoecycles when you’re at a stop with each other, click in to neutral and hit your buddy’s kill switch. SUOER hilarious, small amount of danger, but still awesome. If they are moving, it isn’t as fun and significantly more dangerous.


Without a doubt, the best stuff I have ever use for penetrating oil:

Ok, kinda true, but this is the first one that is reasonably priced and local.

Damnit.... counter weight....

WHY ISNT THERE SOMETHING LIKE THIS FOR GENDER NEUTRALS!? Well, I mean for all sexes. Damnit, I want to do this and it is in the US!

Oooo the knees! But usually when you get thrown from something - speaking from dirtbike experience - it is usually onto your head/shoulders/back (hands try to project out for added weight transfer, but don’t always make it in time). I have never been joyfully thrown from my vehicle on to my feet or legs directly.

Wouldn’t you also be able to use your vehicular tail as a counter wait while driving fast? Ala a cheetah? Around corners that would be the bees knees!

More then just helmets. You can tell most/some have full chest/arm armor under their shirts. Ala:

My only question and why I like Ferrrrds (and others), are they going to offer a long bed (or even a semi long) with the quad cab? I hate carrying my dirt bikes with the tailgate down. I like throwing everything in there and not worry about it. Also, kind of keeps prying eyes a little obscured.

These were developed for the military, I think the marines actually. They didn’t last long and few (hundreads or thousand) were made. You can find them everyone once and awhile on CL.

When did Ford partner with Nissan to make a truck? This looks just like the F150...

Is it just me, or should the videoing car have driven straight at that guy to make sure he was ok. I’m pretty should it would have been ok to wait for the white car, then drive directly to that guy - I would have done it.