
RC cup winner Gage McAllister

I was looped into one of these scams.

Because there are so many comments AGAINST stinking your feet on everything, especially dashes. I will come from the other side. I LOVE it when a girl (I am dating) puts her feet up on the passenger side dash. I think it is the cutest thing.

Fixed it for ya :)

Because running over a hot chick, everyone just feels bad because now she won’t ever be able to make money.

I would like to comment about the people that decide they can’t wait to be sue happy asshole Americans (and probably other countries, I just happen to be American) and then once they get the fix, they decide they are going to a tuner, to convert the car RIGHT back to where it was.

Agreed, I can’t wait to buy one in 20 years when I have money to waste.

The livery was gorgeous too:

I pitted next to these guys at PikesPeak this year. That bike is beautiful and sounds amazing. I also think the Z3 coupe is a “it’s so ugly, it is beautiful” type of vehicle.

If you are going to have a tuner change it back to the way it was, why are you suing VW? If you feel they cheated you, then why would you put the engine back the same way it was when you were being cheated?

So, the interesting part, tires can square. Bias Ply vs Radial tires can flatten over night, making them “square” in the morning until they heat up. Bias Ply are usually thicker ply and great for offroad, BUT AWFUL for normal driving....

I really hope the guy that originally blamed his crash on his digital gauge, reads Jalopnik and feels like a dope every time one of these comments comes up. And realizes next time he will just grow up and say he fucked up. :)

Let's see here? My 7.3L f250 is too long to fit in my tiny ass little SF garage. So I do most of the work in my work parking lot. I know I'll get yelled at at some point I'm just hoping it isn't in the module of doing work :). I've done my full brake system including new master and booster. I've also installed a turbo

One thing that isn’t mentioned is:

Along with a few other motorcyclists....

Most of my CL interactions have been pretty pleasant. Except one time when I was graduating from Uni in the NorthEast and moving to CA. I had my 1993 White Wrangler with Hardtop (important) listed on CL and commented about the rust and normal little bumps and bruises... I wasn’t getting ANY bites, a couple of low

I’d have to say, Harbor Freight’s jack stands are super cheap and really rugged

I am a specific car use buy. All of my vehicles have their own single purpose and I like certain things about certain cars. Like:

A car that you cannot handle. That is a car that is just too much car.

Finally! The first bit of actual numbers to compare - but gawd it looks boring to read :(