That image is more than enough, so nope to the video. However, if we have to have criminal idiots, I’m glad so many criminal idiots film themselves these days.
That image is more than enough, so nope to the video. However, if we have to have criminal idiots, I’m glad so many criminal idiots film themselves these days.
I didn’t even catch that at first, but you are so right. I love it.
“When Michelle and I came into office....”
I’m blanking on her name but she was on that Newsroom show on HBO and briefly on The Daily Show.
I used to show horses and often brought my corgi dog to the show grounds. Usually he was in stall with a bunch of the other barn dogs. But one time I was there to spectate/cheer on a barn mate so I brought him ringside. This woman was a new rider and very timid, so our trainer wanted us to show support,…
I keep reading the responses to you and saying, “oh, you sweet summer child.” The only response I have here is you must’ve been INCREDIBLY lucky in your customer service work experiences.
I’m going to go ahead and assume you’ve never worked a customer service job before.
Is it safe to assume you haven’t had the joy of working retail...?
This is, no fooling, the first line in the brief intro to the sale:
Clearly, he needs me to save him from this fate. Oh, sure, I take the “much” out of “much younger,” but getting together with me = definitely no babies, no way, nuh-uh. Everybody’s happy. (Estimated duration of happiness: 2-4 days.)
I volunteer to be the much younger woman! Sorry, husband.
Prediction: Hamm will be married to a much younger woman, and become a father within a couple of years.
This is an excellent photo.
I’m a dad. Here’s my go-to joke. Whenever i have exact change at any store or restaurant I ask, “do you take exact change?” Good times.
My dad was amazing and I miss him.
You know, we can have more than one hero at a time.