I didn't think it was possible, but this made me even MORE depressed that Craig Ferguson is no longer hosting The Late Late Show.
I didn't think it was possible, but this made me even MORE depressed that Craig Ferguson is no longer hosting The Late Late Show.
Yeah - I would never listen to his music intentionally, but I thought he did a bang-up job as host.
Taylor Swift is one of the most commercially successful recording artists in the world and John Mayer completely flushed his own career down the toilet. I think Taylor won this one.
I can't believe I'm saying this, because I hated John Mayer as much as anyone at a certain point, but I actually watched 2 of the 3 episodes and thought he did a really good job. He seemed much more comfortable in his skin than he has it the past (where I think he often used arrogance as a cover-up). He made some…
There is no such thing as public feuds bewteen celebrities. There is only publicity and the simpletons that follow it.
I thought they did roll out an inflatable beaver.
I saw the resemblance to T Swift when the dancers came out...but I feel like if this was a real diss they would have been wearing blond wigs?
The only thing better would be Yolanda with the lemons IN the clear fridge, like Lisa Rinna a few episodes ago ;)
I went to Miss Porter's School for girls (aka Jackie Kennedy's high school). My newsfeed was clogged with my classmates' disapproval of the Lilly/Target collaboration...when I tried to call them out on how they were just upset poor people would be wearing Lilly they pretty much all talked down to me by trying to…
It leads to the totally valid question of "what else are they doing?"
I used to root for her, until her reality show. Now it's pretty much undeniable that she is a jerk. Her parents are responsible for a lot of it, but she's a grownup now and needs to figure this stuff out. Too bad, because she was really pretty and charming a few years ago.
I work with a guy who eats out someone before he comes to work, & doesn't brush his teeth.
Well, let me be the first to politely encourage people to be more PUNK ROCK.
Am I the only one who noticed the under wire poking into J-Lo's boob? It did not look comfortable!
I try to avoid all things Kardashian, but isn't it even beneath them to refer to themselves as glamorous and glowing?
I want to be angry about this but the high schooler in me is like "why wasn't this a thing when my face broke out the night before picture day"
"Oooh, AB finish. Very classy." I think I'm part magpie.
so........you must have some good gossip for us (she says, panting with excitement)?