James T Wood

Fair enough.

My kidless life is full of love, connection, community, and fulfillment. And I plan to continue to fill it with such until I'm 70 and beyond.

There is a certain amount of arrogance implied in the mic drop GIF that was inflammatory (as evidenced by the response it got). So, good job for instigating

Agreed, kids should be allowed to be kids.

Parents should also be parents, not their kids' friend or buddy.

This is one of the most tired reasons that people give me when they try to convince me that I should have children.

When I'm 70 I plan on continuing to write and speak. I plan on traveling. I plan on investing in the people around me. I plan on, basically, doing what I'm doing now.

But, but, what if you need to go

I've been following this thread and concurrently shopping for new glasses. I have no previous experience with any of the sites, so this discussion gave me the list from which I could start my research/shopping.

I am a single-vision shopper looking for both sunglasses and glasses and I don't care about fashion frames.

True. It has been helpful for me to seek spending time with good kids like my niblings (the gender inclusive term for nieces and nephews). When I only spend time around the bratty kids my view tends to shift toward the negative.

I also make it a point to call out good parenting when I see it and to thank the parent

After reading (skimming) through the other responses I'm thinking about what I can add to the discussion. It comes down two to things: time and intentionality.

My wife and I decided to not have kids, but we waited to make the decision. First, when we got married, we thought we would have kids, but we wanted to be

Wow, you did read the part where "flame war" was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, right?

^This. So much of this. Bad dogs and bad kids aren't to be blamed for their bad behavior.

"Every child deserves devoted parents and a safe home."

Erm... since when do Mike's Hard Lemonades count as "beer" or even drinks?

I didn't have enough bottle caps so I took 10 pennies and wrapped them in electrical tape. Do it again and you've got a pair of copper spacers. I ended up using 4 of them when my lappy's heatsink was failing last summer.

There are also some naturopathic antihistamines that can be effective.

I use Quercitin (antihistamine) and Nettle (for respiratory health) and find it as effective as Benadryl (et al) without the drowsy side effects and more effective than the second generation drugs (for me and my grass pollen allergy).

I'm typically

For me the use of my middle initial came because my name is too common and I needed to disambiguate myself from other authors.

Plus it makes me look smart.

Great advice.

I might add that using lower-dose caffeine over a longer period of time can also be helpful in avoiding the crash. It helps me to make tea (my usual source of caffeine is coffee) and keep sipping on it all night long. The lower amount gets spread out over time (and gives me a thing to do by making cups

The example might work for people who are detail oriented, but I too didn't pay any attention to the changes in the scene.

But in general I don't focus on details, but the big picture.

I don't drink a ton of coffee and it takes me way too long to get to sleep at night. I'm not deprived I just have sleep-onset insomnia.

I immediately thought of GTD's "mind-like-water" when I read this.

If any app could convince me to switch to Mac it would be Omnifocus.

We have moved a lot over the last decade and renting has enabled us to do that quickly and easily. Other friends of ours have been stuck in a town when they wanted to move or stuck renting a house they didn't want to continue owning. Other friends paid a mortgage for a decade and then had to short sell just to get out

I want to meet your friends...

It's the first-cause argument, but from a creativity standpoint. Which means we'll never really know the answer (God, Big Bang, Aliens...), but we can use the principle to do more now.