Are you kidding me? Most people didn't talk openly about rape in the mid-80s. Most women then would have been ashamed to admit to this. Rape meant being "sullied." NOBODY talked about being raped. Certainly no one famous.
Are you kidding me? Most people didn't talk openly about rape in the mid-80s. Most women then would have been ashamed to admit to this. Rape meant being "sullied." NOBODY talked about being raped. Certainly no one famous.
Was never a huge Madonna fan but as a 22 year old living in a big city across the country away from my family for the first time, this is very inspiring to me.
I hate seeing great writers leave Jez, but I love seeing them move on to new exciting opportunities, and I super-love coming across their bylines in new places. I wish you the best at Newsweek, Katie, and I'm sure that you'll still be able to be that girl at all the parties.
I used to work in PR and doing things like this can be really a fun benefit with the job. I used to work for a large appliance company and when I was volunteering (separately) at Operation Santa Claus I found a "letter to Santa" asking for a fridge as they couldn't afford a new one. This letter was from one of the…
Yeah, this was a fantastic move on their part. They hopped on it super quickly, too.
Yeah I wasn't a fan of the "behaving like a prostitute" bit, but I'm still with Sinead overall. Making fun of mental illness is such an asshole thing to do.
At least when Sinead O'Connor was being rebellious SHE WAS ACTUALLY REBELLING SOMETHING!
In Kazakh, it's nice and gender-neutral: "koti bar," or "s/he has butt!" There's even a surname—Kotybarov, which means "s/he has butt." Bravery is not confined to one gender; anyone can have butt. It's great.
No "chutzpah?" What is this, Hobby Lobby?
No, rule 34 says that porn of it already exists... it doesn't say erotica of it already exists.
Wait... so no one in this thread has made a "horny" joke?
The phrase "Jackhammer Jesus" has stuck with me for a long time. That site has been in business for like 15 years.
Absolutely. He's never gonna get her bra off with those stubby little arms.
Call me confused. I thought most small dinosaurs had cloacas not penises. If there's one thing I demand in my dinosaur erotica, it's realism!
2 1/2 STARS