I hang at the library all the time. I guess the "beloved" requirement is what stands between me and a paycheck.
I hang at the library all the time. I guess the "beloved" requirement is what stands between me and a paycheck.
Hi doggy.
Now we know what Tommy Wiseau has been up to—ghost-writing. Oh, Hi Mark!
This reminds of BirdsRightsActivist in a really good way.
Their website actually linked to this Twitter account until late yesterday, when someone (a FUN-HATER) wrote to them on Facebook and let them know.
Can you believe fall fashion is!
salad is always funny
If there's a funny salad, I'm in.
Will there be yogurt? I'm not on board until there's yogurt.
I'm glad they didn't go with the alternate scene where the wolf won't surrender and Henry had to snap his neck then cry for ten minutes.
Of course as soon as I read *don't Google that*, I did. :(
"R*tard" is a slur. Please don't use it, especially in a feminist discussion.
You have the patience of saint Ossifrage,
Ossifrage: patron saint of troll slayers.
I'm almost 50, and I've been fat (my word) for most of my adult life. I don't get harassed because guys find me fuckable; I get harassed (not often, but it happens) because they find me unfuckable. "You're fat!" (No shit?) "Hey lardass!" "Fatso!" It all comes from the same place: guys judging women on their…
The day my mom died (this summer), I left work and stumbled home in a daze. My sister had already gotten the peanut at daycare so I just had to take care of a few businessy items and then drive out to the house where family was gathering. I was at a stoplight when I happened to glance over at the guy next to me, who…
Back when "Thelma and Louise" was in theaters I happened to see it with a female friend and a couple of male work mates. Walking home we split up. My female friend walking with one male who lived near her. She told me they continued to discuss the film on the walk. He said that men like the trucker who harassed T &L…
Good for her.