
If you can't see the difference between an official censor suppressing freedom of thought and expression on behalf of an all-powerful governing body and a student union deciding that it doesn't want to be a platform for crass views, I can't help you.

No there isn't. The people that run the student union decided that they wouldn't play the song. I guess that means they'll be "enforcing a rule" that it won't be played, but that's just semantics.

Except that it ISN'T censorship. It is banning the song from buildings which are used by all students, due to the fact that they consider it to be offensive material and they do not want to support it's message.

It's not censorship. They're just choosing not to play a song they think is offensive in their buildings, which they have a right to do. They're not obliged to give airplay to anyone who wants it. They're not stopping other venues from playing it. They're not persecuting people who are listening to it.

There Must Be A Joke In Here About Children Who Can't Read Good And Don't Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, But Capitalizing Every Word Is Making Me Too Tired.

Hm... But she isn't finished yet. Maybe she's gonna stick to her sobriety, and become a really great adult actress. I actually hope so.

Totally random, but I wouldn't mind naming my future daughter Winona Christina Parker. Thanks Jez....

And you know damn well he only read the first two chapters.

This is how I felt about Faulkner. I'm the English dept. head and found out that our new English teacher wanted to teach some of his books for an in-depth study for juniors. Yeah, I vetoed that shit and offered a different list of multicultural and classic favorites. I'm all for torturing children and ruining good

I fucking teach Lit and have never read Ulysses.

Back in the days when I did things in an attempt to impress boys, I spent weeks trying to read Ulysses so the pretentious English major I was flirting with would find me terribly smart and insightful. It was his favorite book and I wanted him to think well of me.

Whoa, Cumberbatch. He's the guy at the party with the scarily intense anecdotes, and ultra penetrating gaze, where you're kinda turned on, but mostly just wishing your friend would come back from wherever they went.

Best chapter!

My favorite British-ism is using the word "scheme" to mean plan, because it's clearly just as benign as "plan" and yet I always hear "The Tory job scheme" and chuckle imagining some 19th Century top-hatted politician rubbing his hands together and cackling at a chimney sweep.

My favourite bit in Pride and Prejudice is the bit where Colin Firth and Hugh Grant fight in the fountain. Jane Austen - what a genius.

"If you don't want ipads around stay home."

No. The Second Law of Godwin is, "You Do Not Talk About Godwin". This would need to be the third law

I'm not gay, I just don't want to get measles.

Well, you see, 'Mercanism is measured by how many flags you fly and/or how big your flag is especially on this most 'Mercan of days.

This movie is totally going to be the Showgirls of our time, isn't it?