Found a person to be naked in front of who doesn't give a shit about hair. Married him.
Found a person to be naked in front of who doesn't give a shit about hair. Married him.
That depends. Who are you referring to? The monster or Hiddleston? Because yes.
He's standing in front of an antique vanity mirror, with a leather jacket in one hand, and an ascot in the other. Slowly, he raises the ascot to his chin, staring angrily at his reflection. "No..." he mutters. "Still not quite right...."
Yes, Tom Hiddleston. Please teach me more about delayed gratification. With props? Why not. But let's move away from children's programming first, shall we?
Keep pretending you were misunderstood, lots of people are fooled, I'm sure. You brought up how attractiveness makes a person the more powerful of a pair in social interactions as your comment on a child rape case, linked to a child sexual assault article, and cannot defend your statement other than to say both…
You mean that she was so beautiful and sexy, he just couldn't help himself?
A woman stalking John Cusack was arrested.
I actually haven't read it, I'm just hoping he's wearing leather or skintight something.
That's how my boyfriend talks dirty to me.
I can't recommend this woman's gif-tastic set of recaps enough.
I am so protective of the Pacific Rim cast now. I want only good things for them, and this... This is not good.
He's defeated the Kaiju out there, but he's still yet to defeat the Kaiju inside.
Garbage. I stopped reading halfway through.
I would say it's equal to this lyric in the original song: "I'll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two."