
I beg to differ. My friend Jesús won't shut the fuck up about fútbol.

"The NFL turned to sixth alternate Joe Flacco, but he declined because his wife is expecting their third child."

God throwing interceptions is not a huge stretch. This is the same guy who locked in on The Virgin Mary and never even looked at another receiver.

"I want you to form a fucking wall."

He's not the first curry to induce offensive runs.

Dear Watt, I wrote you but you still ain't calling

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

So, what, you think now he's a 20/10 guy?

McCoy: [throws three TDs against Dallas]
Fans: [co-opt a hockey tradition by tossing their hats on the field]
McCoy: [murders field]

You are a dumb, dense motherfucker.

"Both of the attackers, who are brothers".

But it's still fun to see whether saber websites or Vegas odds were more accurate

Wow, how blunt of her.

Money actually hasn't changed Riley. He's just as frugal as ever. The reason he hasn't responded is because he knows it costs extra to text Mexico.

Here's a 4chan classic.

Both films did involve the future of LBJ.

It's painfully obvious from this view that there was only one shooter.

Don't count out Lviv just yet. You're greatly underestimating Putin's desire to have Russia host the Winter Games twice in an eight-year span.
