
Hey look, they also dont have noses sometimes, also where did you see eyes shaped like that ? Don't get me started on the lipless weirdo mouths

Uh, there's been a pretty good amount of anger over Shadows of Mordor, actually. You must have missed all the controversy that TotalBiscuit stirred up over that.

A different ending.

Eternia was a barren wasteland because Skeletor ate all the scenery.

Did I say that Valve never does anything?

Pepsi is a product, not a medium. And there aren't really any other mediums like it, to which you can devote a near infinite amount of time both playing and discussing, that contains within itself a social activity.

Arden, You said, "These people have allowed their identity to be SO completely threaded into this hobby that they feel any critical eye cast towards games is an attack on themselves. Can you imagine any other group of people who have allowed a consumer product to so dominate their identity?"

It already happened: sports fans. Many a brawl and even some riots due to varying games won or lost. As toxic as some people have gotten about gaming, soccer, football or basketball had instances far beyond anonymous death threats.

Meanwhile girls just verbally harass and humiliate people until they kill themselves.

She also said this about the recent school shooting. Honestly I can not support her with views like this.

Then why make the assumption that it did?

Someone who would really pull of an attack like that wouldn't give it away through a letter, that is just stupid. Someone who would carry that out would do so without saying anything if they truly were for real.

Some more gold.

I'm confused by nearly every sentence of this article.

I dont think this is true. I have only recently learned of gamergate from the Gawker articles. So I did a little research and its not about women. It is not about power over women. It is about honesty in video game journalizm. You can paint it however you want. And frankly I dont play enough games to care about

the answer is that there are a lot of answers. Much like Occupy, everyone has their own reasons for getting involved. Id argue a majority are because of the perception of corruption and incestuous nature of gaming journalism. Some others may not like the arguably negative shift in tone that has occurred within

I gotta agree with you, most games lack real humans (male or female). I wanna see a game with your average everyday schmuck having to try and figure their way out of deep shit, or weird supernatural shit. Rugged and/or strong protagonist is getting boring and old.

Nearest I can think of in relation to that is Alan

I wish we could get over this total bullshit "strong woman" trope, which has infested everything from the Hunger Games to now actual videogames. Make women flawed, stupid, smart, angry, vengeful, insecure, generous, stingy, gross, charming, or anything else. But just some generic "strong female character who don't