In my experience the only time people are attacked for "not caring" is when they announce (without solicitation) that they don't care. It does kinda waste space in forums designed for people who do care.
In my experience the only time people are attacked for "not caring" is when they announce (without solicitation) that they don't care. It does kinda waste space in forums designed for people who do care.
From what I read, she slept with multiple journalists, and did get coverage that a game of that caliber normally would not of. Again, just because she is a woman doesn't mean it is about that. That was about integrity in the gaming press, clear and simple. However, making it about misogyny has been an easy scapegoat…
Because why have a conversation about the issue when you can distill your opponents down to caricatures which completely distort the truth, right?
Nice article ... Grayson ...
Whaaat? This guy was 100% balls to the wall evil. I can't even think of a single instance where he was portrayed in a sympathetic light. Most of his audio logs involve him torturing people for one reason or another and you get the distinct impression he revels in sadism.
While this might not be an official Pokemon product, it looks large enough to sleep one adult.
The New Nintendo 3DS's screen is 1.5 times bigger than the original 3DS's screen. The handheld has a new C-Stick as well as new ZL and ZR should buttons. There are also new software features for the New Nintendo 3DS, Amiibo support, and better battery life.
The NN3DS screen makes the one old's look much smaller. But this pic might make it hard to tell.
But by not naming the company, the systematic problem remains. Why would a company move to change something if it gets them the results they want and no one is calling them on it? Anonymity gives them freedom to continue the practice. It's not about shaming them, it's about attaching the action to them so they need to…
In one sentence he would be begging us for more money to keep his company afloat, and then tell us about how he was having a brand new fully-decked-out Tesla shipped in that he just bought.
Fucking pay to win man, hate that shit.
Microtransactions, shit. That Real Life MMO is entirely Pay 2 Win. Between the greedy publishers (likely secretly either EA or Zynga) & the lead developer, God, never fixing any of the bugs. I mean, look at that death penalty! Hell I can't even PvP or PK without some huge debuffs that can only be purged if you use you…
Did they even consider balance at all? I mean, hell, the crowd of people you need gathered to take on a bus. No way you can solo that thing, its damage is far too outrageous. And it never drops a legendary! I keep getting the same blues like 'Bus Driver Shirt' or 'Old Lady Handbag''.
If only it was only the microtransactions; it's the macrotransactions that are killing me.
The physics engine is tight. Even the smartest players are having trouble breaking the physic engine.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't "it", and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me!
The hard thing about the real world is that there isn't a controller for it. You can't just move people around with your super strength, or jump over things if they're in your way. The real world is a game you spend your entire life trying to master — and probably never will. It's full of heartbreak and triumph and…
Oh right, I totally forgot I read about this guy awhile back:
Sigh. This is why I'm afraid to mention gaming as a past-time when meeting people. They view us less than human.