
Funny story, just got this Saber last week for my wife.
Take that silly Asian women polls. :P

B-b-but I love collecting anime figs, man ._.

I can have a favorite Zelda, because I've played nearly all of them. I don't have a favorite Dynasty Warriors, because I've barely played the series. And so I was intrigued and then a bit disappointed and then, in a roundabout way, happy to have played Hyrule Warriors. The new Wii U game is theoretically an

Megaman's is my favorite obviously, showing love for Trigger makes me all warm inside.

Except when someone makes a level or a mod, they agree to a contract too and simply the act of providing tools like a map editor or whatever have you means you agree to a EULA and is an implicit request/invitation for people to make content for a game.

It's no more arbitrary than picking two similarities and ignoring the differences. Playing and modding are not the same as development.

In Spore and LBP, making things is a part of the game. Sharing designs is a key feature of gameplay. Another parallel would be the Steam Workshop for a game like Skyrim, where the content is free but entirely optional for players to enjoy. All of the work is generated post-release as an add-on to the game.


Long before Marvel Comics started producing their own movies, they'd licensed the rights to many of their most famous characters to outside parties. Lots of these deals didn't actually result in any films being made. The ones that did—a Dolph Lundgren Punisher, a super-cheesy Captain America—just didn't have enough

Yeah, that sounds...not fun?
I mean, I guess it's nice to have the option but is anyone really down to lose 20 hours of progress?

I'm not sure it's entitlement to say "when I buy a game, I feel like I should be able to play a whole and functioning product not a buggy and gimped mess"

I really hate how the word "Entitled" gets thrown around nowadays whenever someone asks for value. Things like "I feel all this shady business practices are not worth my money" almost automatically get the answer "Stop being entitled and keep taking it up the ass from game publishers". Also is interesting to see how

Please refrain from using words you do not understand just because you see them being thrown around a lot elsewhere. When you do that, there's generally a very good chance you might be wrong.

I don't really trust his perspective. In the RPS comment section recently, regarding their rather neat-looking upcoming game, people were making some remarks about some mistakes Puppygames had made—and the remarks themselves were largely innocent, but, insofar as I could tell, true.

Entitlement is a word people throw around a lot and I'm not sure they know what it means. Or maybe all the things I mentioned never happen at all and I just took the wrong pills again.

So i guess the fact that I'm a developer means I'm allowed to say the ending was shit and you're talking out of your ass right?

I find the idea that anyone would just sit back and accept whatever they received in exchange for their money, regardless of quality, to be deeply depressing. The idea that they should do so is even worse.

Ding Dong the witch is dead! The witch is dead! With all his ME3 lies from his head!

It's ok, there's always more choices for you in the future.
A red, a green and a blue one.

*too soon*