
It’s not universal that the role dies with someone. I was just talking about how much more connected to the roles voice actors in Japan are.

Why would someone else voice the person you’re cloned from?

Someone in the comments section on Game Informer brought up an interesting point about all this.

Because existing names have existing fan bases with a certain guaranteed set of sales. If they made new characters and those characters didn’t do well, it makes their decisions look foolish.

It’ll always ring false because Thor is a name, not a title. Any time a character who was not Thor became Thor, it was because Thor was sharing space with them in some way.

If they’re willing to reverse “Heroes Reborn”, they’ll reverse this if there’s enough of a sales drop. That’s just how comics are.

Or she'll blame others when things go wrong.

Reminds me of that snappy comeback on "The Big Bang Theory".


I have a soft spot for achievements that can only be earned on certain days of the week, and also for terrible/amazing pop tunes, so this works out well.

No, you still sound kind of worse.

Yes, because crowdsourcing isn't a thing, right? Or RPG Maker?

It isn't a problem affecting men because we don't give a damn.

We've been hearing a lot of discussion among players about the need for diversity in video games. That means a lot of things. They want to see gender diversity, they want to see racial diversity, they want to see diversity along the lines of what country people are from. There is also talk about diversity in different

Because it's clickbait. Gawker sites live on it.

Be nice. I love Viki.

Iron Chef Musou!

They made that game. It's called Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Remember when you unlocked Snoop? I loved his dialogue when he busted people.