I think Microsoft mandates achievements be possible on the Xbox. Guess not with Valve.
I think Microsoft mandates achievements be possible on the Xbox. Guess not with Valve.
A fucking adult can get pissed off about false advertisement without your permission, your highness.
The snark is strong in this one. =)
First of all, I'm not in the Gamergate movement. Second, there's no proof that those threats came from Gamergate. In fact, the 8chan site stomps on people who post doxxed info there pretty fast. Third, I criticize Sarkeesian for her inflammatory and poorly researched videos; not to mention her eagerness to place…
Who said they broke the law? Ethical violations are not illegal. Insulting your readership is not illegal. You created an inappropriate standard for the purpose of being exasperated I'm not meeting.
Halloween's today? Man, I can't keep track of time lately.
Except in the cases you've mentioned, the critics were distinctly separate from the journalists. When it comes to outfits like Kotaku, they're the same damn people. So where's the line? And when is it ethical for critics to have financial ties to things they're critiquing?
I don't disagree with that. But the things they're being accused go far beyond having an opinion.
They can. They just can't abrogate their ethical obligations when it suits their purposes.
Having an opinion isn't the same thing as having no standards. Gawker was more than happy to claim they were journalists when it was to their benefit.
Except, no. The gamers in question are demanding a full disclosure policy from journalists - which they got from the Escapist.
Huh. Okay. Thanks.
No, but Kotaku is more than happy to post those videos all the live-long day without any of the promised critique from Totillo. They are an example of the problem with these outlets that they're more than willing to bend ethics in the pursuit of ad revenue.
It's like you're reading my mind, man. @_@ I remember having that same panic attack when I only had to rename characters in older games.
Right, but what I'm saying is half your comments are pending, the rest aren't. Shouldn't all your comments be approved, then?
Pardon the change in topic, but I was on this article earlier and nothing you wrote was "Pending Approval". Now I click the link from your response and a good chunk of it is. o.O Does that happen to you when you join pages?
Good question.
These people have allowed their identity to be SO completely threaded into this hobby that they feel any critical eye cast towards games is an attack on themselves. Can you imagine any other group of people who have allowed a consumer product to so dominate their identity?
But so much of the outrage is the assumption of guilt without proof, is it not?