
So I’ve just had a rewatch of the film using the Animaze dub. It was better than the older dub, I have to say. I feel like they could have pushed it harder. It’s the old joke really. “How many actors does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two thousand and one. One to actually do the change onstage. And 2000 more in

Oh man.  That was a lovely establishment of badassery.  Tetsuo just STOPPING the shell.

Addendum:  It looks like there was a second dub done in the early aughts.  I’ll track it down and see if I like it any better than the original Streamline dub.

Now playing

In the early 90's, my first exposure to Akira was via a good friend’s VHS tape he’d got at some convention. It was a japanese copy with no subtitles. So I only had the barest inkling what was going on in the sense of what was being said. That said, when I watched a subbed copy later on, I found that I’d mostly

This is essentially the plot of ‘Looker’ by Michael Chrichton. A criminally obscure plot about a company scanning supermodels for AI commercials, then bumping them off. The idea is that they analyzed these models and actors. Provided them with micro-precise measurements they could take to a plastic surgeon so they’d

My dude... I am literally watching the Space Vampire episode of Buck Rogers while working in the office right now.  I looked up, saw your Vorvon avatar and HAD A MOMENT.  Thanks for that.

Given how Reagan embraced and pushed union-busting during his presidency, I have my doubts he’d have treated the WGA kindly in the present day. Even if he’d been lucid enough to have a coherent thought on the matter in the end.

Honestly, I still use tumblr, and it’s a lot more than merely hosted images. My experiences of both Twitter and Reddit were that they both sourced a lot of their humorous posts from subs like r/bestoftumblr and individual copypasta tweets souced from Tumblr. From the inside, it feels a bit like the way the usenet got

I’m not even implying the man took a payoff. This felt to me more like the kind of gutless stuff politicians are capable of back in the day and now in service to the respecting of traditions and people who deserve no respect. This was politesse run out of control.

Gosh... if only our president had not ended the investigation into Thomas for no adequately explained reason in the early 1990's when he was before congress for sexual harassment. Thomas was, as I recall, the deciding vote in the catastrophic Citizens United opinion that essentially handed our democratic process to

If you pause in that shot of Sabine on the bike in profile (with Loth Cat clearly visible on her helmet) you can see the fuselage of the Incom E-Wing pulling up alongside behind her.  And yeah.  Legacy continuity... no more!  The E’s canon now baby!


Fillion has already voiced Hal in a Green Lantern animated feature.  Why would the article not mention this?

I didn’t like Bridger at first. The same way I didn’t like Ahsoka at first. She was obviously ‘The Kid’ meant to appeal to the younger demographic and full of ‘attitude’. She matured into what we have now, with all the implications of her part in the saga all around her.


That shot buries the lead a bit. That highway on lothal had someone being chased by our first live action appearance of an E-Wing Fighter.

Oh I know. WB’s had it twice now. And in between those, a low budget studio by the name of Pendragon Productions had it. WB killed the TV series they were going to do back in 1999-2000 cos Ronald Moore wouldn’t fill it full of snark and attitude for the Melrose Place demographic. Pendragon failed to do anything with

Nah, that’s a fair cop. Point of Order is really only barely semantically removed from “UM, ACTUALLY-” I can admit to it. I am also a 51 year old nerd with ADHD and the ‘tism. I’m pre-disposed to this kind of infodumping and geeking.