
Free market, I guess?

So small government conservatives and anti-regulation types are very angry about this?

Finally, someone is standing up for the coaches, administrators, and directors who do it for the love of the game!

That commercial has been waiting patiently for 27 years, sitting on the bench, knowing someday its moment would come. Today, that moment arrived.

I didn’t miss this! I actually pointed it out to a friend in the theater. My friend didn’t see it. I actually have no clue how, since this video underscores just how far back he is. I was just, for some reason, looking at the right spot at the right time?

You take over your doing their PR? 

there hasn’t been this much fuss about a second Schutt Air since the JFK assassination

Unless there’s a Whole Foods at the top of that ramp, I fail to see the real world application of this ability. 

Im not even a Falcons fan! But as a good decent ethical human being, i despise the Patriots much like the Avengers despise Thanos. And seeing them get curbstomped like that was pure literal ecstasy.

I will never forgive these chucklefucks for 28-3. Jesus Christ

Evergreen link.


I know you’re just teasing him, but Elway has proven time and again that he’s the glue that holds this team together. 

I’m going to call it- The hunters are all coastal elites and the hunted are all white pride, rust belt people.

I wish I could bring myself to watch this, but Whedon’s scumbaggery makes it just impossible 

I grew up an evangelical, “speaking in tongues”, born-again Christian. I was anti-abortion, anti pre-marital sex, and had no idea what LGBTQ+ was (it didn’t even have the letters back then).

Joule thief!

What? This feels so clickbaity and just trying to make a fuss about nothing. i don’t get how Kircher or the writer of this got “The circle of life” and maybe you should start with what do you think it means becase it’s pretty obvious that is a very simplistic way of introducing to an ecosystem.

Just a heads up, I don’t think you know what “hot and bothered” means. This is one of those times that someone correcting something you say could actually benefit you later.