
If you’re complaining about filthy rich people living in fancy houses/apartments complaining about more housing ruining their views, or the “rif-raf” moving in, I’m with you. But if you’re just suggesting that a free for all release on construction requirements is going to fix everything that’s a joke.

Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

I almost get it, but the beauty is ruined because there are so many people there. I visit Southern California once a year and the scenery is great, but there are houses and people everywhere and it takes forever to get anywhere.  

A great, smart, strong leader.

What tons of people say they want:

When they agreed to participate in the Free File Alliance in exchange for the government not creating its own good, free filing system so that Intuit and other tax preparation companies could continue to profit off what should be an extremely simple process.

I eagerly await the movie adaptation.

Well, I’m fairness, that wasn’t the dumbest tweet of the day. Hmm, I wonder what was...

why do we get 2019 Brad Pitt and 1986 Tom Cruise?   Unfair!   I demand 1994 Pitt!

I felt the same way about GoT, but fans of Stranger Things (myself included) have been waiting almost two years for this.

I don’t see a sticker on your Volvo so I’m calling you a liar.

Because the IT admin should have had off-site backups and network isolation so that when some random dipshit user does a boneheaded thing like this it doesn't take out everything 

2019, the year that Avengers: Endgame and Star Wars IX came out.

Let’s not forget Wayne Goss. The OG sensible beauty guru. 

Clearly,  you have never spent an evening sitting on pearl encrusted netting- not that comfortable. 

I was hoping for Tituss Burgess :( 

Thank you, Jeremy

Everyone’s an armchair assassin.

Thank God for movies because otherwise we'd have no idea that rape was ever a problem.