
Fact: Michael Johnson was the first Olympian I truly remember liking and being amazed at his otherworldly skill, in addition to me rooting for America. Glad to see he’s such a class act.

The ‘72 Dolphins could learn a ton from Michael Johnson.

Andrew said bulge.

Correction: Michelle’s father won the SILVER medal. They made quite a big deal about how she one-upped her father, so you may want to correct that.

I watched the women’s shot put via the BBC and it was AWESOME, with a capital FUCK YEAH. Those ladies had some serious game face, son.

Yeah, real dragons don’t have fur.

A college kid I work with was just bragging about his VHS collection the other day.

Missed opportunity on the crossover post to Screamer.

Poor form had absolutely nothing to do with this.

“That toughness comes in handy in a place like North Dakota. You see, up there, jamming your numb fingers against someone’s ice-cold helmet happens every practice. Getting decked on the cement-like dirt is just how a play ends.

I sent this in about day three:

I have never tried this hard at anything in my life.


They laughed at my job. I laughed at their screams!

what’s his weakness?

He can be drowned and gassed.

I agree! Redford’s lamentable piece on horses aspired to be a jeremiad but turned out to be little more than poppycocks and horsefeathers!

BARBER: Really? Again??