
They haven’t killed anyone yet, but you know it’s just a matter of time......

Totally agree. Some shows deserve their disdain—see the reviews for the Strain. Some shows need a little tongue in cheek—see Meredith doing True Blood.

So my take is that you are not the right person to review this show.

Billy didn’t write the Blue Ivy joke. But for those who didn’t watch the episode, the character who did was completely bombarded with negative reaction because of it.

What? She was getting a standing ovation as she exited, that’s par for the course in these awards shows. Were they supposed to be wildly cheering, screaming, and otherwise interrupting her moment?

The Usual Suspects..... As Verbal walks away.

I know there’s a lot of talk about how poorly the civil war and the issues around it are covered in schools, but I do think everyone gets the ‘slavery is no longer legal in this country’ part. Maybe we need to define it better? For the Mary Mitchells if the world: you cannot own people, and you cannot lease them. If I

Now he can get back to playing cones of dunshire

This dude was killing it as Hancock this year. Looked and sounded just like Will Smith. I’m supposed to be the punisher btw.

Found the cheater.

You must be fun at parties.

When my ex said that she was sleeping with a guy who admitted to cheating on his wife 14 times, I called his wife to let her know, and she filed for divorce shortly thereafter. It was a hard conversation, but I felt good about it. She deserved to know what kind of an asshole she was married to.

I haven’t seen anyone wringing their hands in glee over the families/lives/marriages this will destroy. “so aim your hilarity and scorn at them,” <-This is all I have seen. These people are getting outed while doing something extremely shitty that can ruin their marriages/family. Are they victims of a data breach?

Wow, way to be a defensive prick. I can’t believe you’re getting upvotes for insulting a reader with a valid question just because you didn’t understand what they were asking about.

Except that this guy was an experienced big game hunter who had a history of poaching (he was fined and placed on probation a few years ago for illegally shooting a bear well outside of the designated hunting area). He gets no benefit of the doubt here in my mind.

Little did you know, the author of this post is hacking your computer right now!!!!

This is true.

One morning, shortly after I had been hired full time, one of our editorial fellows, Dan, sent an email to Tommy and me, explaining that he would be a little bate late getting into work because he’d been mugged the night before, and was still sort of getting himself together. Tommy emailed him back, telling him to

Omg, I have no idea who these three are supposed to be, but I love them!

All of my yes.