
To understand this article, I had to find the "Poker Slang Terminology" book that I stuffed between my Coldplay CD, Livestrong bracelet and other things I lost from 2004.

I agree. If you can do the movements thoughtfully with someone eyeing you to assist, you'll be fine. The crossfit way is faster and with a one pair of eyes on a class of up to 20 or so. And the fitter you are, the more attention you'll get, leaving the people who need the most help to be more apt to injure

OTOH, you have the evangelists on the Internet.

Because man your local gym won't take a photo of you after a killer WOD man. They need everything to go on social media or you basically didn't work out.

"Wilt Chamberlain scores hundreds of points in a single game!"
Person A: "I don't want to downplay his achievement, because it's amazing, but to be accurate, he scored one hundred points in a single game, not multiple hundreds."
Person B: "Why do you have to wrangle back to earth Wilt's amazing achievement because the

I think you mean pole dancer. Way different.

Pfft... if I weighed a hundred pounds, I could do that easily!

Joyce Carol Oates will be relieved to know my domestic feline has defeated anorexia.

Just add some of my own experience, if you're looking at something that is even slightly complicated, take the complaints of "It just didn't work at all" with a grain of salt if there are many more reviews of the thing working as listed. I've found some people are just incompetent, especially with electronics. Lots of

Did you read that article all the way through? It absolutely casts doubt on her claims. She sounds like a disturbed person with a fixation on Oberst. You just read one sentence in the first paragraph, didn't you?

It was still substantially more entertaining than baseball.

That was a very interesting piece, I was curious as to what your final assessment of what happened yesterday would be. There's more to the story though, if you look at the whole background of how CBF works and how sloppily this team was put together. There are also glaring differences between the work done by Germany

Brazilian TVs appear to be pretty sturdy... at least sturdier than some Brazilian vertebraes

Arjen Robben could rip out Jogi Low's spinal cord during the final and I'm not sure it would be as shocking as what happened yesterday.

Yeah but besides the US and China, no one gives a shit about the Olympics. This is their sport, their country, their tournament to lose. They hadn't lost a competitive home match in 39 years. And then, in the World Cup semi, Germany makes them look like Moldova.

Maybe you should use your curiousity to actually look... Berlatsky is a feminist, and he writes about feminism and women in the media all the time.

This bitch takes a better mugshot than I did a graduation picture.

Hi Rebecca,