
Having a permanent location, or perhaps cycling between 5 locations seems like the only answer to me. If this trend of reluctant host cities continues, only the big players like China et al will host the games. Why not put them in a permanent location like Sweden or Norway where weather is never a problem?

yawn. Sorry, I dozed off there for a sec. So it's just purchasing stolen goods? I bet that's not against the law.

Ah yes, the "well I don't care about it, so how could it possibly be an issue" standard. Where would society be without it.

Everybody else earned their way to this particular marathon. These four did not. They did not accomplish the same damn thing. But meh, life goes on.

Probably, and I admit in the grand scheme of things this is pretty small potatoes, but I for one am glad they got busted and am having a good laugh at them. I've helped run a few races, none near as large as this, and they really do run on a shoestring and many operate at a loss. They aren't just getting a free medal,

Do you think if the artist had painted a bunch of WOC naked it would be called "Classical Art" and hung in a museum?

I don't know what "the wind rises" is. I liked the richly textured worlds that Disney created back when they had a mix of hand-painted cells over computer animation — circa Beauty and the Beast / Pocahontas era. And I think that the 3D animation can have soul, if it's detailed and individualized enough — Toy Story,

Yeah, it all looked like a cheap computer program. And the characters didn't interact with the background in the castle at all — they were just plopped in front of it, and like I said Elsa and Anna were the same exact character with different coloring and outfits. It all looked so cheap and print-to-fit.

I was SO EXCITED to finally see it last month, and then ... it's like one of those straight-to-DVD Barbie movies. Better dialogue, but the animation was really boring run-of-the-mill computer generated crap and the main characters had the same exact face. I was so far underwhelmed I couldn't find the bottom of the


People were so furious they

Right. My mom always told me if I got into the same situation 3 times, it was time to look at myself.

I bought the "Pro" version for 5 bucks and it's an awful, unusable piece of junk. Worst user experience ever. I wish I could get my money and time back.

It's an odd thing to differentiate his films, but I find any work of his in which children are main characters to be better than those in which the plot only revolves around adults.

Contouring is a drag queen tool. It works for drag queens because they are typically performing, and the look is a more exaggerated, overdone version of femininity. When women do it, but also try to make it look natural, they look like second rate drag queens. I am really not seeing the issue here.

To me this is just bad negotiating male or female. When you are negotiating an offer you ask for the two things you want most, if/when they say no to one of them, you can then ask for a third thing that you want less in its place. You don't ask for five adds at once unless you don't really want what is being offered.

It's not a blanket refusal to negotiate - it IS, though, inferring something about a person based on what multiple things they negotiate for. If it was just a request for an increase in pay without anything else, and they turned around and said "Ohhh, you're not a good fit..." - THAT would be curious. But it's

According to what I just learned from this article, you must be really REALLY fat.

Which one of those services Hawaii?