
I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.

Just FYI, that's pretty disconcerting during the buttsex.

To be fair to the Senator, I have ample anecdotal evidence from a credible witness (my self) that plenty of lesbians are into with sending the dachshund down the badger hole.

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

A female coworker of mine, who is really sweet and kind (and even knowing this, I think she is the bee's knees), writes m/m erotica under a pseudonym that may or may not the name of her basset hound. So that's a thing.

Parked car, well into the night, naked from the waist down, his head between my legs, cops shine giant flashlights into the backseat.

I was giving my husband a BJ and suddenly he got the giggles. I look over and here are my 2 cats just staring at me. Yes, I fuck in front of my pets because if I keep the door closed, they'll just paw and head butt the door, which ruins sexy times even more. Apparently, not only were my pervy cats watching us, but

When I was 19, I broke up with my high school sweetheart by encouraging a threesome that included her best friend, knowing very well that she would not be able to handle her jealousy and that it would destroy the relationship.