
EXACTLY. She wants Ariana to forgive and forget when she and Kristen were never friends to begin with, but she gets upset that anyone suggest she even be in the same room with her former friend before she’s ready.

Yup, she may have her personality flaws but not wanting to hang out with her boyfriend’s insane ex is not one of them.

I agree, if it was not for this show she probably would not be hanging out with any of these people anymore. And also, how every one of her “friends” thinks she should just get over all the psycho Kristen threw at her and be cool with her is awful. How anyone could actually think that she should just suck it up and

She is definitely making more than the average bear, but probably not as much as she was used to. I think my issue is that this problem is much bigger than Kesha, it is an industry wide issue. Many women, who are not as famous as she is, that are dealing with the same issues. Giving Kesha money while not addressing

For one person it is more useful. What about all the not Kesha’s who experience this in the music industry? What about all the girls who aren’t famous and well known and aren’t fighting in court but fighting every day with this power imbalance and abuse that is rampant in the industry? This is an issue that is much

“Like” sending a message, as a powerful and influential female, with words, that say hey, we hear you, we believe you, and we aren’t going to let it happen anymore, which is a thing she does all the time, but not in this case. Not the only one who thinks its strange. Agree to disagree but don’t play like you don’t

Kelly Clarkson’s statement/tweet about Dr. Luke was interesting to me. I’m thinking that Dr. Luke is maybe like Terry Richardson. Lots of people maybe know he’s a creep and refuse to work with him while lots of others turn a blind eye because he is a heavy weight in the industry and saying anything bad could damage

Royalties continue regardless of whether she is making new music. But if you read, I have said that I didn’t really think about the financial cost of the legal battle and obviously she will need money for that. As for what I have done, well, I am doing it now. Speaking out on the only platform my not famous or well

Really no need to be rude or condescending. It is not as simple as Kesha winning a lawsuit to change deeply rooted behavior by men in power in the entertainment industry. Sure, money helps this one particular case for this one person, but that really is not the bigger picture here.

But the lawsuit against Sony as it stands right now is unwinnable. And that IS the point. No amount of money is going to get Kesha out of their control right now, so what needs to be done is to have them shamed into doing what’s right.

I didn’t ask for her to tweet something. I’ve never mentioned Twitter in any of my comments. I asked why she didn’t SAY something. I feel differently than you. I feel like it was a cop out to slide money across the table without saying I am doing this because I don’t think women should be contractually held to their

You are totally right, why didn’t I think to just call Taylor and ask her myself?? Come on.

Again, I am not bitching. You keep wanting to think I am somehow unhappy with what Taylor did, but I am not. What I am wondering is why she couldn’t do both, and I think it speaks volumes that she hasn’t. If she’s sending such a strong message why not also send the actual message? I see in another comment of yours in

But again, why not BOTH? They are not mutually exclusive, and Taylor’s words have proven to be powerful in the past (see Apple). And yes, sexual assault does impact contact law, as the question was should she continue to be contractually bound to a man that she claims has sexually abused her.

I didn’t initially think about it from the legal fee standpoint, which, now, duh, of course she can use some extra money. But my issue is with Taylor just handing over some money without saying anything else. It would seem pretty obvious that she is giving her money because she supports her, but if that’s the case,

Never said I wouldn’t take it. I was just saying that just handing over a check really misses the point, because the issue isn’t she wants more money, its that she doesn’t want to work for a man she is saying has sexually abused her. Giving money helps obviously, but she (Kesha) didn’t start down this path for more

Agreed, I actually just read that she is hurting financially from this, which, of course. But I think the whole hey here’s some money is really missing the point of all of this. Or at least saying something along with the money, because just silently handing her a check feels like a cop out.

Well it certainly isn’t like she’s never made any money...royalties for songs, she’s written songs for a lot of artists, etc. I’m sure her legal bills are large but she has made more than a little money throughout her career. And again, this case wasn’t about her ability to make money. It was about her being forced to

Can someone explain to me why Taylor felt that what Kesha needed was money? I get that she hasn’t been able to record/release new music therefore limiting her earning potential, but to me, this case was never really about MONEY. It was about not having to continue her career under the control of her while

I just got a kitten a few months ago, first time in my life I have ever owned a cat as I have always firmly considered myself a dog person. I love that kitten more than I could have ever imagined. Her little meows melt me and I don’t know why I ever thought I was NOT a cat person. My condolences for your loss, I am