

I was not excited about Coldplay to begin with, but I am getting less excited by their adding of performers that did the show 2 & 3 years ago. I love Beyonce, I love Bruno, I do not need another halftime show from them again this soon. There are seriously SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE that they could bring with them. Gah I

Maybe in 15 years they will have a reunion tour Backstreet Boys/New Kids on the Block style and I will attend every year because I am a grown up now and can spend my money on what I want and STOP CALLING THEM OLD PLEASE I STILL LOVE THEM.

My niece is going to be crushed. She was forcing me to listen to their new album last friday while I was doing her hair and makeup for her first school dance and telling me all the reasons that their hiatus meant nothing...I’ve tried to tell her that if I learned anything from my youth, its that once one member goes

Really torn on this one. Babies are incredibly overwhelming, and while I don’t think she would ever intentionally cause harm, not being able to keep schedules or perform basic infant care while in a hospital leads me to believe that this woman will certainly need assistance in caring for the baby. And that sucks but

Same here. I am fine with gender neutral single restrooms, but the idea of using the same bathroom that the men in my office use really makes me uncomfortable. Privacy and maturity concerns mostly, it is hard enough to be a woman in the workplace to begin with. We have all sorts of crap to overcome just by nature of

I used to buy these all the time, but I had to stop because my dog thinks they are special toys with a surprise creamy treat center. I never managed to keep one for more than a few days. She would dig through my purse and find them and chew them apart.

All the crunching sounds in Kit Kat commercials make me homicidal.

Absolutely agree. I think most people with chronic illnesses or disabilities want to be seen as people, their disease as just a part of what makes up their whole. Yolanda is her disease, and that makes me sad for her.

Yeah it was pretty over the top. I wonder if she acted the same when she got the implants put in! The show does like to play up this notion that maybe, just maybe, she’s DYING. I guess its possible, but really she is living at a diminished capacity with whatever illness she has, she is not on her death bed.

Very true on your last point. With my fibromyalgia, there are plenty of days that I wish I could just stay in bed and relax, but I am not rich and I have a family to support so I get up and get through my day trying to ignore any symptoms I have. I may fall asleep at 8pm because of exhaustion, but I am still living my

Completely agree. If people ask me how I am feeling and I say “eh, not great”, they often come back with “well you look good!!” and I joke that its “all I have” - meaning some days, all I can do is put on some nice clothes and make myself up and smile through the pain because its the only way I can continue to live a

I have fibromyalgia, so you are incorrect in your assumption.

Like I said, it could just be editing. But if you are well enough to go out to lunch with your friends, you probably are well enough to say “not too bad today”, or say “I’m terrible, but I’m here!” in a way that conveys you aren’t great but doesn’t make everyone feel like they should be considering funeral

What strikes me, and maybe its just editing on the show, is HOW MUCH she plays into her not feeling well. Someone asks her how she is and she says “sick” and she is constantly pointing out to everyone how unwell she is. I don’t doubt she feels unwell, she clearly is struggling with something, but it is as if she feels

Definitely agree, living with ANYONE makes me homicidal (sorry hubster!) but living with 40 girls would make me insane. It seemed like the sororities at UM were a group of girls who paid money to make t-shirts all the time but I never really took the time to figure out what they did beyond that. I was too busy being

Hilarious if true but I think it was a matter of space for the houses or something along those lines. I like the idea of people being more afraid that it’s a whore house though.

Ahh my alma mater <3

Its THE WORST. If you can’t say “I had sex with my husband/boyfriend/some random dude”, you should not be having babies.

My husband and I are trying to make a baby now and I have been AMAZED at the lengths some women go to on the baby forums (I know, don’t judge me),in order to avoid using words to describe things. Aunt flow instead of period, Baby Dance instead of have sex, even saying hooha instead of vagina. Its ridiculous.