For a girl who is legitimately beautiful, Taylor has ZERO sex appeal. I don't understand it. She's gorgeous, but there is no "sexy" in her.
For a girl who is legitimately beautiful, Taylor has ZERO sex appeal. I don't understand it. She's gorgeous, but there is no "sexy" in her.
If you wait a month or two it'll probably show up on the shelves of your local drug store.
The sampled song is one about a guys dick not wanting you unless you have a big ass. There is nothing in the song or video message that would lead any sane person to think this song was anything but look at how much your penis wants me. I have no problem with sexy and provocative. This is entirely meant to attract the…
"(44 percent of women and 35 percent of women say all kids should get a trophy)"
"then offering no comment on her bewildering decision to continue portraying herself as an idiot over the next 6 years."
Yea I mean, most of her music has been pop-country and the themes of her songs are generally always the same. Not that it's bad, but the only real departure here is the lack of a slight banjo playing in the background.
I was starting to like Taylor a lot. Then I heard her announce this song as something TOTALLY DIFFERENT than anything she's done before. It's a mediocre pop song at best with a message found in every song she sings (people/boys don't like me for being me but I'm soooo me) and this video. Oy girl. I am disappoint.
My boss had a talk with me last week about whether or not I could handle being promoted since I was a single mother. Because a promotion would require me working more hours than I am now, and I usually don't stay late. I tried to explain that I don't stay late BECAUSE I HAVE YET TO BE PROMOTED OR PAID TO DO SO and…
Think Taylor swift circa long hair with bangs era of last yearish. I would post a pic but I can't, so it looks something like this:
I am!! Thank you for asking! :)
I wish you guys would have covered MY decision to get bangs on Wednesday. Alexa gets all the love. Sad trombone.
I did not say that I believe there is ever a case where you can force a woman to have an abortion. What I did say is that this story is not complete. What arrangements were made prior to the implantation? What information was given to the surrogate and to the biological parents regarding the baby with Down syndrome?…
Did I or did I not say she shouldn't be forced to do something she doesn't want to do? However, by agreeing to act as a surrogate you are agreeing to act in the best interest of the bio parents. Which would include agreeing to refrain from drinking, smoking, etc. When you act as the womb, you don't gain parental…
Oh no, definitely not. But it's somewhat expected and therefore tolerable.
And that's the real issue. I don't actually care what he eats. But our company has a chef so we all eat lunch together every day and at least 3-4 days a week she will make a point to bring up how her husband would NEVER eat whatever is being served veggie wise cause he HATES all of them and refuses to eat them and…
I think it's completely feasible that something along the lines of what you laid out happened. I feel like both parties were victims of a predatory agency that were not acting in the best interest of anyone but themselves. And people who are able to afford adoptions or surrogacy, which can be tens of thousands of…
Honestly, this whole situation just completely sucks. I don't know enough about either party and the information they were given or not given or the financial status of the bio parents to say who, beyond the agency that facilitated it, is the bad guy in the situation.
Absolutely and it happens all the time. There are a ton of predatory agencies in the international adoption/surrogacy business that care only about money.
I am getting the feeling more and more that the agency is really the one to blame for this whole situation. It appears to me that they told both parties whatever they wanted to hear in order to get their money. Exploiting both the couple who desired their own biological child and a poor surrogate who was not fully…