
You seem very sure that this couple exploited a poor woman because they could. How do you know that they weren't as naive as the surrogate about how the process would work? How do we know that the agency did not present a false sense of comfort in the process and make them believe that all of the bases had been

I absolutely agree that she should not have been expected to have an abortion against her will. But because she was acting as a womb for two other parents, when she refused to follow the wishes of the people who would be tasked with raising and financially supporting the child, she should not be able to expect them to

While I absolutely agree that you cannot force another woman to have an abortion, this is a unique situation. My concern comes with the fact that her refusal to go along with what appeared to be the bio parents wishes and would force a family to have a child they weren't able to or willing to care for. If the bio

I am a vegetarian with OCD (and only a vegetarian BECAUSE of my OCD) so I'm an incredibly picky eater. There is not much I hate more than discussing why I do or do not like certain foods because I know my reasoning makes no sense to anyone but me. And I don't need anyone to agree with what I like or do not like cause

There is a lot to this story that seems odd to me. She wasn't paid fully before the babies came/one was given to the family? The agency allowed them to just take one baby home? The surrogate did not want to have an abortion even though it appears that was the donor parents wishes? To me, it seems as if the agency is

I don't care what he eats. I care that I have to hear about it and am asked to agree that it's adorable. It's not. Shut up about it. That's the point. Not what he eats. That she wants me to find it cute.

OMG lol yes French fries are as good as kale! It's SCIENCE

My son is 7 and does not like a lot of the veggies or more "adult" foods so to speak that I eat. He used to say ew yuck gross nasty! I always remind him that it's okay to not like something or not want to try it but it is rude to insult the food that someone else is eating. I wish more adults understood that!

My former father in law never drank water. According to him, there is water in diet coke so he was just fine thankyouverymuch! Shocking that he had so many health problems really lol

To share another story, my grandfather spent the last 10 years of his life refusing to eat salad because it was the last meal he had before he had a heart attack and was convinced that was the trigger. THAT I found hilariously endearing. He lived to 92, salad be damned.

Are you seriously this dense? Let me try to explain. I do not give a fuck what this man eats or does not eat. I just care that I'm being asked to sign on to the fact that his petulant attitude when refusing to eat something is cute or endearing. Eat whatever you want. But don't expect me to think your 35 year old

And honestly that is totally fine and normal! Adults act like adults when they dislike a food and politely decline or suggest an alternative they like. They don't freak out, use words like yucky, and expect people to think they are cute.

It's not the fact that he dislikes food. It's that he acts like a 4 year old about it and she wants people to agree that it's "adorable". I have OCD and I don't eat meat because of it, and have some weird issues with food that limit what I eat. But I don't go around pouting about it and going veggies are yucky, aren't

Broccoli was just an example. His refusal to eat any vegetable she thinks is adorable. I mean, eat what you like. But when you expect people to find your hatred of veggies as yucky adorable, you're most likely going to be met with blank stares. How is that cute at 35?

Broccoli Was just an example. She thinks it's adorable that he hates ALL vegetables.

When people talk to you about things, they usually expect feedback. When you say "isn't that cute?" And I say no, It's not because I'm in charge of your life. It's because you shared an opinion about something in your life with me and asked for feedback and I gave it to you. Your response to this is literally so

Of course he does. I don't give a fuck what he eats. I give a fuck that someone wants me to agree that a 35 year old man saying veggies are yucky and refuses to eat them is cute.

And that's totally fine. There are plenty of foods I don't like. But there is a difference between "I don't like broccoli" and "OMG my husband is so cute he refuses to eat ANY vegetables!! Like he will be like gross if I cook any for dinner and won't let them touch his plate!"

If she didn't want it to be anyone's business but hers and her husbands, she shouldn't talk about it every day. If you share info with people, you are allowing it to be something others have an opinion on.

I didn't even read the whole article, but the headline alone reminds me of one of my coworkers. She always talks about how her husband refuses to eat vegetables as if it is an endearing quality of his. One time I had enough and said "what is he, five?" And she got really mad. But really I can't understand someone who