
You were obnoxious before. But whatever makes you feel better! Continue along your path of willful ignorance!!

umm no not even remotely. There is a huge difference between "having given 11 blowjobs in your life" and "watching a girl give 11 bjs right before you get one". You're pretending that you don't see the difference is obnoxious.

I've never understood the appeal of something like this from the male perspective. I mean, if you are the first or second guy, ok? But the 10th or 11th dude you would think would be like ummm maybe not so much? Nothing hot about getting a two second bj in a Congo line of dicks.

At first I was like "did she watch this all the way through?? Cause it's literal explosions not cuteness explo....ooooh "

First one : "cool starry bra" = cool story bro

Yes. Cause it's so incredibly stupid that it's hilarious. To me.

This is the second meme this week that it took me a minute to get before I died laughing. This was the first one:

It reminds me of when my son does something that I just can't with, and I'm like okay how about next time we don't do that?


Even if it wasn't R Kelly in the video/song with her, how does one not go "damn this is a terribly awful no good very bad idea for a video theme?"

Wait this is a real thing she did, this video? Not like a joke or parody? She makes Britney (a girl I love dearly) sound like Whitney Houston.

I found out I was pregnant at 21 weeks, after visiting the doctor four times, having blood tests and pregnancy tests come back negative each time, and having a Pap smear done when I was already 4 plus months pregnant. I was skinny, I was still having monthly bleeding (though light), and my doctor said I wasn't

My bad...Bengahzi!!

No, I just don't see how strangers sending him gifts that he requested or raising money for his future is an invasion of privacy. He doesn't have to accept any of it if he doesn't want. He's not being harassed he's being thanked.

You seem to feel very confident in knowing exactly how he feels. Maybe he thinks it's cool that people have done this for him?

You are so right. Fuck people trying to do nice things. *eye roll*

No, jezebel is reporting on a thing that happened to him after the fact. People were inspired by his good deed and decided to provide him with gifts. There is no additional information about this guy given in the article then was already available to the public. It is about the reaction of others to his good deed.

When people ask for privacy, I've always assumed they mean don't show up at their door hounding them for interviews and calling their house and their friends nonstop for info. Publishing pictures that are already available on the internet in no way violates his request. I mean, really.

In his defense, I'd be pretty pissed if someone threw away my beer SEVEN times. Hashtag just saying.