
It's a Pitbull/Kesha song called timber

I'm yelling timber...(I hate myself)

The worst part is, there is no other way IN THE WORLD to buy a full size bottle of dove body wash and big sexy hairspray.

What's next? Are you going to tell me that Mattel just puts different clothes on Barbie and calls her Malibu Barbie instead of Pretty Princess Barbie??? THE HORROR.

When I saw the headline this morning I literally gasped! I don't know much about her beyond her appearances in gossip sites, but it seemed like lately she had really turned her life around and I was rooting for her. I really hope she didn't die from an overdose, not that any cause of death makes it any less tragic.

This has made me so so sad today!!!

With Lindy's constant references to touching butts, I'm wondering if she knows how the sex works. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong??

Yea, along with the makeup and styling, she looks older now. But if she's happy, good for her! I don't have any problem with plastic surgery in general, but it makes me a little sad to see someone pay to "transform" themselves into a celebrity.

I saw this on buzzfeed earlier. I didn't think she looked much like JLaw to begin with, but after the surgeries she looks even less like her. Sad.

Must be nice to be so cushy in your office job that you don't even do detox mud baths!! ;)

Yea, working forty plus hours a week every week for the rest of your life and getting paid $40-50k a year is SO MUCH EASIER than having to work in Wisconsin for two weeks, make millions and then not have to work again for months. I, as a single working mother, cannot even fathom how difficult it must be for her. I

Lol I also had to go into why it was a thing in the the whole backstory of the "new trend" articles etc.

Soak a tampon in vodka and then use it. (Please don't actually try it though, it's super dangerous)

I spent 20 minutes explaining vodka tampons to my male coworker yesterday. He is going to be SO PISSED.

Ok but hear me out...besides the obvious shitty implication of the "walk of shame", it's kinda like the bag I put in my car before ANY night out. As a single mom I don't get out much, so when I do I always forget I'm not 23 anymore and vodka/tequila/beer/maybe wine to mix it up?/oh look shots!! Usually means I'm going

He's so talented!! His mom would have been so proud!

I have yet to erase that off of my DVR! He was funny and both performances were awesome!! I think his SNL is what opened my eyes to how talented he is. Hoping he will kill it today and everyone who is talking shit will feel stupid.

He had a problem in his early 20s from what I understand and was able to kick his habit until about a year or two ago when he had some problem that required pain killers. That led him back to heroin and he went to rehab (this is what I understand of it, might not be the full story).

Oh okay so you're just an asshole. I thought you might be genuinely confused by his age but no, you just wanted a chance to prove how shitty you are. Just so you know, never trying drugs is great. But lacking any compassion for those who struggle with it makes you the loser, not the person with the addiction.