
I dunno, both Vietnam and Iraq were pretty bad. I say this as someone who is very glad the USA is supporting Ukraine.

Yes, I equally don’t buy new CoD or Tom Clancy games. Hell, Activision’s deep connections with warmongers is one of the reasons I avoid all Activision games these days.

The past century of American-led military adventurism and the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned about are as deserving of condemnation.”

Every dollar spent on this game with, in very real, concrete terms, be used to kill Ukrainians. Don’t spend a dime on this garbage; bankrupt the creators and force them to flee the country or end up in a nasty dark little trench in Bakhmut.

Based on that Tweet, and that Tweet only, I feel this Poliwar fella is clearly afraid of attractive women.

Faceless robots are more his style, I guess.

Yeah, out of morbid curiosity, I’ve been looking at the Steam forums for several new/upcoming ‘big’ games, and among all the “woke is killing games!” idiocy, there’s a recurring thread of “the evil feminist/leftist/woke/etc movement is making all the videogame women ugly!” One dude going on about how he refuses to buy

At least the game is intensely mediocre, niche and jank. I was wondering what would happen to this (and Tarkov) when the invasion started.

Money trumps guilt. If the money wasn’t coming in, the studio would stop working on it. Nobody on the dev team would ever pay out of pocket just because they felt like it was owed.

So, what’s the reasoning behind behind making sure that players are always “under leveled”?

I don’t think I’ve ever hit a power cap, and am already chronically under-leveled. Not sure I’m looking forward to this.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this comment ages but... am I the only one that isnt really looking forward to the grappling hooks?

Healthcare in the US is a cultural problem, not a legislative problem. In parts of the world where universal healthcare is seen as a right, those cultures often have a strong sense of responsibility for one another. Government is seen as the most efficient way to achieve that goal. In the US there’s a deep distrust of

Setting aside other confounding variables, the national average is ~39.5in.

It depends on height and body shape. I'm a little heavier than I'd like to be but at 6'3 I've never been less than a 36 and usually fluctuate between 38 and 40. 

average ≠ healthy weight

I mean, that’s kind of bollocks because you’re not accounting for height/build.

Depends on body type and height. I’m 6'5" and have hovered between 36 and 38" for many years. I’m barely over standard weight range for my height. 

What do you mean, “paint?” An average is a concrete statistical quantity. That the average American’s waist size is about 40 inches is an objective fact.

Deep breaths, dude. An invitation to reason is not an attack on your person.

He’s 24 years old, still a child by today’s standards, and only recently skyrocketed to success based on his skillset. To ask him to be responsible for the stupid parts of our government that would come close to a full time job and radical change from what he already knows, isn’t even close to realistic.

Crazy how many people are still seemingly missing the point.