
He’s basically describing a world where people like him with clout and recognition who were discovered by other people with clout and recognition will be able to do whatever they want on the cheap and not have to discover or recognize people with talent but without clout or recognition.

It was in the game when it first came out

It’s def not for me either. I only learned about him from a Fall Guys skin of all things.

This is the sort of content that was needed when the game came out, not two years later.  I realise that it’s more playable for many people now, but I still get more bugs in Fallout 4 than I did in Cyberpunk 2077 at launch.

I’ve always felt that AI could be used to help game design by producing key concept art, and I’m sticking by that. Using it in your end-product, especially given its’ aforementioned nascence, is laziness, and really should only be done in indie games by devs with programming skills but no/little art skills (something

On the one hand, kotaku’s breathless anti-ai art bent is really tiring, but on the other hand: good.

His philanthropy is limited by his income so he will always have to make more money than he gives away each video.

I think it’s more accurate that you’re weirdly stupid if you think thats ever going to happen. In the mean time the rest of us over in reality will keep seeing this shit for what it is, white people getting infinite free chances to be shitty.

The weird thing is the article was pretty positive or at the very least neutral, this burn came out of nowhere.

Yeah the criteria really aren’t that huge. Don’t be a dick (applies to everyone), don’t punch down, don’t support people who do, and communicate healthily if you made a public mistake. Sure when you’re a public figure it means being ready to throw away friends and sometimes even contradicts family in public. Those are

Yea, it’s not like this is ANOTHER pointless gushing article about “But I’m white you can’t treat me this way” Amonrath ::eyeroll::

Even the grays continue to make my point for me, amazing.

No thanks, but thank you for proving my point about how racist white people get infinite second chances to “change” and how everyone else needs to forgive them. Nah, fuck that.

Positivity is for, like, squares and stuff, man. 

“Pewdiepie” (and to a greater extent Jake Paul) are prime examples of “being white can’t fail” and getting countless infinite chances despite being huge disgusting pieces of shit.

“All hail the new king I guess”

Reminds me of Pave, from Animal Crossing. 

It means Quaquaval is serving lewks, hunty

Loosing more and more interest in the Dragon Age world as they seem to stray more and more away from what was good in Origins. They had such a great thing, and then they just continue to shit on it over and over again... Especially the previous videos. So yeah, not holding my breath for this.

There is nothing “smart” about Sony’s delivery system.

You can blame players if you like, but I blame Sony’s shit back-end systems.