
Was that the game where nidoqueen ajusted/wiggled her shell-boobs?

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Honestly after they murdered Mondo, good riddance.

Been following their tiktok for a while now, so I had no idea this was happening, but sadly not surprised. Day one buy for me for sure, but congrats 4chan, I might buy two copies to gift to a friend.

I didn’t need to see a lion’s wangus like... ever

Every player is allotted 10 messages, I don’t think there’s a “zone limit”. At least, I’ve seen a LOT splattered across a small area. If there’s too many it probably ups the decay.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, NFTs are just MLMs for cryptobros.

This looks like Playstation Home all over again, but yet somehow MORE dull and corporate. I suspect it’ll go the same way, it’ll just take a minute.

Thaaank you, lordy. The amount of concern trolling just tells me which folks “don’t want to hear about trans people existing”.

Quick question: are you trans?

What controversy?

Another note worth... noting, is that bats often don’t have rabies because of how rabies spreads. Bats are small and often don’t do well when something bites them. Another bat is an easy infection, but any other animal is very likely a quick death by tooth impalement.

Yes exactly, they’re explaining how rabies works. The idea is that rabies causes the host to bite, which goes well for rabies, as it spreads this way.

I used to, for no real reason, like Papa John’s (I think it was what a parent ordered and I never knew different). Then one fine evening, they made our home go hungry when we ordered at 8 and they kept promising a pizza was literally being run out the door until they just cancelled the order at 2am. Corporate never

It sounds somewhat like a buddy-boy-ified version of Lu Over The Wall. Any similarities?

The responses you’re getting are wild. It didn’t used to be this way. You could get a pretty bangin’ computer going, revv up and go. What I’m hearing about now is nuts.

Th..the artist’s literal Artstation page says they’re located in “Israel”. Take it up with them.

You.. forgot who invented this legstyle?

I’m gonna be That Guy for a hot minute, and I do promise it’s with respect: why does this article have only one instance that I’m immediately seeing of “trans man” but four instances of “trans woman”/”trans women?
Transwomen fuckin rock. But this was supposed to be an article about Tony, and transmen are woefully