I Am Not A Lawyer but if I recall correctly, you have to remake new assets to legally be considered a parody, not reuse existing ones outright.
I Am Not A Lawyer but if I recall correctly, you have to remake new assets to legally be considered a parody, not reuse existing ones outright.
Imagine what these people could do if they focused energy on doing something productive rather being pieces of shit.
“If you want more representation make your own games!” - MAGA
The text was red before. With the 1.5 update, it’s yellow. Want to bet it turns green when the DLC drops?
Many members of the community have reclaimed the word (lgbtQ), though some still feel uncomfortable with it. Also, like many reclaimed words, it also depends who’s using it and why.
Hadn’t heard of this game till now, not even gonna bother reading the article, slapped it on my to-buy list for when it comes out. Fuck incels.
The funny thing is that all this trolling will only serve to put Volcano High in front of more prospective consumers. They are literally providing free advertising for the developer because of the obvious hot-button issue at the heart of the matter which is virtually guaranteed to bring the attention of left leaning…
Everything I read about 4chan always makes me grateful my parents kicked me off the computer when I was little and made me go play outside.
I can’t wait to buy Goodbye Volcano High when it releases.
Never not being weird fucks over at 4chan.
Scariest game of all time? No way. I’ll tell you the scariest game of all time.
When this happens just load the desktop version of the page.
As much as i like it i think the biggest issue has been the classics. They promised PS1, PS2 and PS3 classics and barely given us anything. I was hoping to play some truly legendary PS1 classic, and instead we got 1 or 2 decent games, a few no one gives a damn about an thats it. Give us big names. Vagrant Story,…
Depends on whether the Switch is part of the same generation.
Seriously though Sony can’t get out of their own way on any front from movies to hardware they seem to revel in ignoring what people are actually asking for.
This looks ok, I’ve never found jump scares all that effective and I find them cheap most of the time. If a film or game relies on that for the majority of its runtime, I tend to tap out pretty early.
Grounded is way scarier than Madison!
I’ve started playing this game recently, and I dunno. Most of the scares are pretty repetitive, mostly either “demon runs past” or “demon appears in front of you”. Sure, it’s scary, but I liked the more psychological ones, where the demon calls out your name from the darkness, so that’s where you need to take a photo…
If my time playing Gran Turismo translates to the real world (lmao), cars need to slow down quite a bit to hug the inner lines compared to their max speed. Now normally this is a net gain because there’s no way to turn sharp enough at max speed to stay off the wall regardless of your line, but in this case he’s…