
I think it's called The Poseidon Adventure.

Ahhh, the good 'ol days.

4th Gear: Toyota Raises Wages On Back Of Abenomics

Welfare baby I presume? How about instead of being jealous over this guys life you go out and earn your own. Maybe you have too much money and need to be taxed more. Maybe you should work harder and complain less.

You can drink the kool-aid if you want. Very few of them are hurting for food money. And the regs are very porous, almost on purpose it seems. You can download the rules on the NCAA's website. It says pretty specifically what isn't allowed, how to keep your amateur status, how to react if you're offered something

Let's just call it what it is, whore.

NCAA rules aren't exactly airtight. They supposedly can't take food from the staff, or take free meals from anyone as compensation or gifts. But they are allowed to eat at fundraising activities and charity events. They are allowed to buy their own food. There is no regulation against eating with other students.

I'm a UK grad Mister, 1999. The whole going to bed hungry line is bullshit. That's what they are coached to say to push the idea of paying them to play, because a free college degree isn't enough. They have the standard meal plan, true. It's not enough on it's own because these kids eat 5 or 6000 calories a day.

3rd Gear: Truck Leases On The Rise For Metrucksexuals

Why is there no discussion of traffic laws or the safety of other drivers on the road? Yes the tech is cool, but there isa reason we have to take drivers licence tests.

And are the laws for distracted driving going to be waived for the guy that's supposed to be the backup? I can't imagine we are giving licences to cars without drivers. And don't all the other people that don't want to be on the highway with a 2 thousand pound calculator have any say in it?

How long until Al Sharpton and Obummer show up to blame the police and demand that any white officers be tried for murder?

So it's an over-priced, 2-door For Fusion? This styling language was edgy 10 years ago, but no amount of alcantara is going to make this do anything for me at this point.

I'm more with you than against. The Japanese people are the ones who should decide who represents them regardless of what anyone has to say on it. They expect to be represented by traditional Japanese women, and that should be accepted, and she could be judged in competition like the rest of the women.

Except Native Americans as we call them aren't native either, so your logic is just as flawed.

And now the UAW owns a large stake in GM and what was Chrysler. How do they represent the worker if they are also the boss? Another reason to run those yahoos out of there.

They should have said six models, as in Prius, Camry hybrid, RX350H, CT200H, etc.

You'd be surprised how many hybrid Camrys are sold. That's where my money is.

I know what I'll be doing when I get home.

Holy crap! That would make a great velvety black light poster.