
Maybe it wasn't your intention, but I laughed at every single one of those events. F%@$ the BBC and any other thin-skinned wanker that can't take a joke. They can turn the channel.

Why do I troll the interwebs at work..........

First time I've seen this one. This guy must scare the living shit out of the suits at places like Ferrari, Lamborghini and the other industrialized car companies.

They see him as old guard, rough around the edges, un-PC and un-moldable. The BBC is like most of the US networks, they want young, edgy, multi-cultural, socially liberal faces on TV. There is no room for honesty, abrasiveness, or old school social attitudes. Top Gear will eventually go away, and Clarkson will be

You beat me to it

3rd Gear: Toyota Decides It Shouldn't Be Run By Just Old Japanese Men

I'm not here to defend street racing, I think it's idiotic and irresponsible, but this is ridiculous. The guy in the GTR being held for 2 counts when he didn't hit anyone is a political move, not an attempt at justice. I've seen it said that he is responsible because he was participating in the race. Well the 2

Let me shorten this article a bit:

Sounds like he's a bit jealous that the attention isn't focused on him. But.....

Is it bad that I wanted to read that whole article?

If I'm getting bamboozled by a succubus, fictional or not, it's not gonna be some buck toothed fatty in Wal Mart clearance pants.

Fuck Anita Arkeesian. I know my comment isn't going to be approved, because it isn't PC, I don't care, I'm writing it for me. Video games are developed for the purpose of making money, it's business plain and simple. If this was a problem that people really gave a shit about, people wouldn't buy them. If it's so

Had a 96 SC300. There is a mini sun visor between the main sun visors that you can drop down behind the over the rear view mirror.

Rhino Liner. I drive a Wrangler though, maybe not for the Starbucks crowd.

When does Harley Quinn get developed into a real villain? All batshit crazy, she could be out to avenge the Joker.

Is it so boring in the real automotive world right now that every time someone makes a pretty picture we get excited? This isn't even a real car, it's a rendering. It's just a fancy picture like the kind most of us made on out school notebooks, but with high end computer software.

How the hell did Ben Hur not make the list?

When it does make it I think I'll post a "what's so bad with this" comment and see how many wonderful responses I get back.

This is just as dumb as the article's recommendation. This is how that family ended up dead in that runaway Lexus a few years ago. They had aftermarket floor mats in with the factory floor mats. The accelerator was jammed and they ended up in a tree because of it.

I strongly recommend you modify this recommendation. Remember the runaway Lexus thing a few years ago where the family was killed? Yeah that was because they had aftermarket floor mats on top of the factory floor mats and the accelerator was jammed. Take out the factory mats before using aftermarket ones. Sounds