
“Nonsense, because our car comes fully equipped and the Tesla is completely naked.”

the down side of “just in time” manufacturing is the shitshow when things aren’t “in time.”

So GM continued to crank out Colorado’s for dealers even though they didn’t have a buyer lines up

no, “not having common sense” would be shipping trucks and letting their customers find the problem. Or announcing yet another recall before long.

Another super limited ugly ass insultingly expensive special edition Lamborghini.

I hope it’s a tractor.

Jalopnik would be a poorer place without the Beatnik Jason Jasonovich Torchinsky and his entertaining analysis of Soviet innovateniks.

The ‘long term’ data with Tesla applies to their early run Model S cars... which wasn’t just a new car, but an entirely new platform... by a company that is still very young.

You have never owned a European car, eh?

1st Gear: It’s all vapourware to me until I actually see one I can actually buy.

Ask for your money back.

Then get off of Foxtrot Alpha.

No one required you to click on the post... just you know scroll down

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

they want to suck that petroleum tit dry first.

I think you’re right. To the extent that the competition helps move us to a market where electric vehicles become the norm, Tesla probably benefits even — especially if, given Tesla’s head start and undeniably good product, the new entrants really help cement their reputation for quality and performance.

If anything, competition from the beloved trading “partner” will likely just make Tesla look better. I am awaiting the half baked or knock-off designs.

Neutral: Absolutely not. I think this is what Musk has wanted all along - competition. It’s always been pretty clear that Elon Musk wants more than anything to see EVs move out of obscurity.