
Alright - We'll call it a draw!

The artist sketch that helped apprehend him is uncanny.

Pictured: The result whenever I try to quickly create a character in any EA Sports game.

It's your fault! If you didn't perform abortions, I wouldn't have to print out graphic pictures of aborted fetuses to inform the public of its evils and further my agenda of a contraception/abortion free word. Children wouldn't mistaken see them and get upset. For shame!

Yeah — you nailed it. I almost hope this works just so it can be taken to its illogical extreme. Just fucking picket and protest everything everywhere with offensive signs and in the evening, protest at city hall that all downtown businesses are disruptive thanks to the graphic protests going on outside them.

What, you mean slut babies? Hell no. If women want to go be sluts and have babies, they had better damn well take care of them by themselves. We're just here to make sure those babies get born and those women have evidence of their sluttery.

What they do clearly isn't peaceful though, screaming in women's faces and calling them murderers and whores. Makes me shake my damn head.

This article and the one yesterday have been an eye opener for me as a Canadian. I've never seen protesters outside an abortion clinic (at least not in BC, New Brunswick and Quebec might be a different story), and it baffles me as to why it's allowed.

Imagine if these people devoted the same amount of energy towards helping kids that have already been born.

This is a great point that I can't believe I overlooked, considering I went to PP for annual exams and birth control back when I was uninsured. (As a matter of fact, I'd say the stellar care I received there was what started me on the path towards liberalism, since at the time I was a card carrying Young Republican

There's something I find off-putting about this whole thing and I'm trying to think of a good way to express it. I think it's bothering me that the fact that a dude can't sell sandwiches is getting this issue more coverage than the fact that women are being harassed and deterred from getting health care. We're all

Yep. That hypocrisy is why I just can't with them. Just like these abortion protestors. I could accept that someone really truly felt that it was murder and was against it on the grounds of protecting children. However they've proven time and time again that they don't actually care about children and people in

Republicans' willingness to mess with capitalism if it suits their other needs.

Yet another hypocritical example of Republicans' willingness to mess with capitalism if it suits their other needs. I live in Maine, and this deli was a great place to hang out and listen to music and have good food for CHEAP. I think their breakfast sandwiches start at a low $2. Yes, as Americans we have the right to

You mean his previous moves of hiding out in China? And looking to transit through Cuba to Bolivia or Venezuela? And he spent three weeks with a Russian handler. I do not believe the Russian claim of "We haven't had any of our intelligence agents speak to him."

Producer at KTVU: Luk Fo Wok

That's actually offensive enough that someone may pursue legal action. If they use Bay-area lawyer Mi Su Yu, that station is fucked.

I thought it was common knowledge that every time you "like" a photo of the gays, Facebook sends a signal to their hidden subterranean coven of Satanists, who use the energy of your mouseclick to slowly continue inscribing an enormous pentagram onto the locked gates of Hell.