
The phrase from the 24 hour news cycle that says it all for me is 'Non-marital consensual deviant sex'. Not only are many of the things listed under such a heading effective 'birth control' (putting the whole 'Jonah and the Whale' story in a new light), but they also dont require any dangerous chemicals, hormone

So long as the 'anti-choice' people still insist on preventing effective sex education and universal availability of birth control, they cant be taken seriously about wanting to reduce pregnancy. Also, they need to find more effective and compassionate support for women who choose to bear their children, such as

Why do you think 'semesters abroad' are so valued in high school and college?

While reading this 'article', the words that came to my mind about the writer were 'whiny', 'apologist' and 'asshole'. Regardless of this person's positions or qualifications, I dont think they were the person to be writing an article about PEDs or A-Rod, unless the idea was to have a sophomoric screed that

As someone who has lived in Louisiana and eaten Popeye's biscuits on their home turf, I can say without fear that the proper way to eat them is to open them up and to smear them with a mixture of mashed potatoes and gravy. You may butter them or not prior to this, depending on your tastes, but the important part is

What in the hell are blonde trash skanks going to do on a sports channel. They have nothing to add, no insight, no journalistic chops, nothing but T&A. I am all for women having a shot in sports journalism, but this is the worst sort of cynical, bullshit exploitation.

A fine example of how there are different tiers of justice available to Americans based on race and wealth. If this man wasnt the son of a public figure, he would still have been in prison from any of his prior convictions. If he wasnt wealthy and white, he would have never been released on the initial domestic

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Football has always been a high visibility sport in living memory. Perhaps you meant 'becoming more and more like pro-wrestling?'.

Is that an 'Ed Hardy' douchebag shirt?

That is the same reason people join cults, to be noticed and for a sense of belonging. It iis good that it keeps you motivated and moving towards your goals, but you also have to be aware of the 'Us and Them' mentality and what the downstream effects of that are or can be.

But the nerds are much more likely to make it to 50 among the 'Cheeto stained pimple havers', also the most likely to have functional testicles.

You are a living example of confirmation bias, lol.

You have a pretty poor understanding of 'Survival of the Fittest' or of biology as a whole. Mankind did not reach a point of supremacy over all other animals by outrunning them or by doing stand up comedy. Running as a hunting strategy and evolutionary pressure is limited to a fairly specific terrain and ecology and

I lived, taught and went to med school in Houston, so I feel much of of your pain. If its 6am and its 90 degrees and 90% relative humidity, you either live in Indochina, or Houston, Texas. Alot of times it would feel like getting slapped with a wet towel walking out of the house in the morning, I would carry my

I am a 'freak' when it comes to clothing, but of a very specific kind. My inseam and my gfs inseam are almost the same, even though I am a full foot taller (freakishly long torso). I have monkey arms with a close to 7' wingspan, a 54" chest and a 34" waist (no one believes how big my chest is either, all my friends

Not true, it doesnt require exercise, only activation of muscle groups. In your case, simply taking 5 mins or so every hour or two to stretch as much as you can will make a huge difference how you feel and how your body reacts to food. Also, getting a few hundred calories of peanuts (presuming youre not allergic)

I havent looked at the stock recently, nor anything else about ANF too be honest. Even before the 2007 interview got rehashed and reheated because of some book being published about it, ANF was taking it hard. Same store sales were down, the profit outlook was down, expected earnings had to readjusted down and

So a douchebag ruined douchbag stuff for douchebags and a douchbag whose name is synonymous with douchbaggery is pissed?

Either you are being intentionally or unintentionally ironic, lol.