
The phrase from the 24 hour news cycle that says it all for me is 'Non-marital consensual deviant sex'. Not only are many of the things listed under such a heading effective 'birth control' (putting the whole 'Jonah and the Whale' story in a new light), but they also dont require any dangerous chemicals, hormone

So long as the 'anti-choice' people still insist on preventing effective sex education and universal availability of birth control, they cant be taken seriously about wanting to reduce pregnancy. Also, they need to find more effective and compassionate support for women who choose to bear their children, such as

Why do you think 'semesters abroad' are so valued in high school and college?

I am a conservative by nature and used to be what was called a 'New England Republican'. We are extinct now, with most members of that group either becoming Democrats or Independent. We used to have wide representation in Congress and produce an inordinate quantity of national leadership in the GOP. An even better

Your question is disingenuous, you know damn well that the GOP is anti-worker, anti-union, anti-work safety, anti-regulation, anti-minimum wage and anything else that you can think about that negatively impacts the working and middle class.

Your reasoning (as well as your basic premise) is seriously flawed. It seems obvious that you dont know much about the history of taxes, economics or even basic human nature, yet you continue to put forth ridiculous ideas. You dont think them up yourself, so why do you disseminate them?

Corporations do pay taxes and it is a long accepted fact of economics that profits are affected by tax burden.

While reading this 'article', the words that came to my mind about the writer were 'whiny', 'apologist' and 'asshole'. Regardless of this person's positions or qualifications, I dont think they were the person to be writing an article about PEDs or A-Rod, unless the idea was to have a sophomoric screed that

As someone who has lived in Louisiana and eaten Popeye's biscuits on their home turf, I can say without fear that the proper way to eat them is to open them up and to smear them with a mixture of mashed potatoes and gravy. You may butter them or not prior to this, depending on your tastes, but the important part is

The suspension of disbelief required for this is great enough that it might as well have been about a 7-11 clerk who sneaks into a maximum security women's death row unit to carry on a romance.

What in the hell are blonde trash skanks going to do on a sports channel. They have nothing to add, no insight, no journalistic chops, nothing but T&A. I am all for women having a shot in sports journalism, but this is the worst sort of cynical, bullshit exploitation.

A fine example of how there are different tiers of justice available to Americans based on race and wealth. If this man wasnt the son of a public figure, he would still have been in prison from any of his prior convictions. If he wasnt wealthy and white, he would have never been released on the initial domestic

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

The 'Daily Show' is a comedy program. I watch them frequently and love them always, but the musings therein arent appropriate for a real conversation on the subject.

Because it was ruled constitutional in 'Smith vs. Maryland' in 1979? But of course I knew about that case and you didnt, so perhaps you need to do a bit more reading and study before you argue with someone who has done the skull sweat already?

You are responding from ignorance. Snowden is a criminal and should be punished, but the system needs to be dramatically curtailed. Nothing that Snowden has brought to light is a violation of law or the Constitution.

I am not defending what the NSA is doing, but they are not nor have not done anything illegal. And therein lies the problem.

No, libertarians now are not reasonable, rational people that once populated the belief, they word 'libertarian' has evolved much like the word 'conservative' and now is full of total nutjobs.

You are an idiot. There is no point in trying to explain the 'whys' and 'wheretofores' here to you, you are as willfully ignorant as any Fox 'news' viewer.

Football has always been a high visibility sport in living memory. Perhaps you meant 'becoming more and more like pro-wrestling?'.