
Be it a cultural thing with daughters/fathers or something else, little girls learn some weird form of 'passive-aggressive emotional judo' that allows them to toss their fathers around with little visible effort. Little boys tend to be destructive events that require good insurance (both health and property), but can

Not to argue with you, but to be honest, if you dont know what the hell you are doing on a standardized test, having more time wont do much for you, except maybe time to reread. The answer doesnt magically appear with more time and your supposition of a 200 point increase isnt realistic in any case.

When did raising kids become a competitive, contact sport? It is disgusting seeing those fat, crewcutted 'baseball dads' or their any sport equivalent perverting and poisoning the childhoods of their cumsprouts. A game should be fun, not a professional obligation for 7 year olds whose parents dream of a Heisman

Starting at 10, I used to take a bus to Tyson's Corner, connect to the one to Ballston, take the subway to the National Mall and spend the whole day rubbing myself looking at airplanes at 'Air and Space' or in the Museum of Natural History. Delivering the Washington Post and mowing lawns gave me the money and parents

If a parent is going to be a 'playground superhero' they should have to wear a cape and a mask.

I believe in the 'Free Range' kids movement. We chouldnt treat our young as veal, to be cages helpless and immobile, while being force fed whatever their farmer/parents think will make their meat more pink and valuable.

I really believe that 'attachment' or 'helicopter' parenting is damn close to child abuse. I have seen parent come my classes (college level) arguing how their little snowflake deserved a higher grade than I gave them, despite an incomplete project, not on time, obviously done at the last minute etc. Heaven forbid

While I support your right to your own opinion and share your concern for the education of the most vulnerable children (poor, minority, single parent households), do you think you could be less of a pompous asshole when expressing yourself?

Again, I believe that outside of the people who will have to bail the little snowflake out of jail or bury them, no one gets a say in how someone else's kids get raised, unless they demonstrate criminal negligence or worse.

Anyone who lacks the basic human empathy to commiserate with a parent forced to deal with an infant or toddler on a plane, should have 'ASSHOLE' tattooed on their foreheads in big block letters.

As long as there is recognition between people who use the term 'mommy' and 'daddy' as a joke when referring to their pets and those who have birthday parties with invites, I am on board with you.

I have a few complaints about some of the things the author said in the article, but dont want to waste alot of time bitching about it. Suffice it to say, in general my belief is however anyone wants to raise their child is up to them and they should keep their goddamn opinions to themselves otherwise. If someone