
here's the joke —————————->

I don't think conflating immigration and gentrification is useful at all. Both are very complex, and not necessarily related. The concept of gentrification already includes in-migration, which is more usual.

A very well written and thoughtful piece. But I think focusing on the people behind this as "immigrants" is a little off the mark. These are incredibly wealthy individuals and corporations that are buying up property and incredibly not wealthy people being pushed out.

In Montreal, Ubisoft gentrified the "Mile End" which, now is full of little cafes, restaurants, and coffee shops... the only place you'll find Starbucks over there is in Ubisoft's office. My ex-employer is also contributing to gentrification of a neighborhood... by moving to a new office in a new neighborhood, not too

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently:

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

Strange name, that "Gofuh Kyorself".

Now playing

Best quality one I could find . . . and it's a vertical recording off a screen. Jinkies.

You're right, African slavery did more or less start out that way.

*bows head*

Pretty much no, but they could tie highway funds or whatever to it thus greatly incentivizing it (this constitutionally suspect to me, but whatever, it is just the way it is). That is why speed limits and DUI-levels are basically uniform nationwide.

I deactivated it when I realized most people — no matter who — like to bitch non-stop.

Understandable. Again, I came at it from a governmental theory perspective, so I like reading the Founders (American, not Dominion. :)) because of the insight it give into the form-follows-structure debates. Also a little because half the time I end up singing lines from 1776 when I'm reading them.

You claim to live in the Bay Area but your comments have me seriously questioning whether you've ever had to commute here. If so, you wouldn't pretend like this shit only takes up 5-10 minutes of time. That's complete bullshit. You do not understand how traffic jams work.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, those in power were having trouble with their white indentured servants. The servants were asking for too much, were too rebellious, and they came from the same culture more or less. So the powerful tried to replace them with Native American slaves, but the Native Americans

And to anybody needing to get anywhere in the city! Fuck those people! I hope they missed their flights, or they got fired for being late to work, or their dates went horribly, or their kids where scared when nobody picked them up from school! I mean, why shouldn't thousands of people be severely inconvenienced so we

Deactivate Facebook.

I appreciate the FaceBook for telling me what I already know to be true. It saves me time from correcting the numerous obviously false news items about evolution, global warming, which mobile cellular device platform is superior, and the supposed spherical nature of the Earth.

No, it modifies your feed to show all of the Ice bucket challenges, because you posted with the keyphrase "Ice Bucket Challenge".

I hear Pop Francis will be collaborating with One D and Miley Cyrus on a new song - "That's What Makes you Pontificate" Feel free to not approve this comment