
I overlooked the 'ten or eleven years old' piece.
And you're absolutely right. A child of that age should understand about interacting with adults, whether they be teachers, acquaintances of parents, or even non-threatening strangers such as another passenger on a plane or a cashier in a store.

Do you have any fucking clue what you're talking about?

People with compromised immune systems who can NOT get vaccinated (Cancer patients for example) are put at risk by the unvaccinated.

Add to that, those who are vaccinated are still capable of getting sick, the vaccines provide the resources needed for the immune

That's not true. There's a concept called herd immunity. Vaccines are most effective when the majority of the population is vaccinated-like 90%. That way children who are too young to be vaccinated yet and people who are vaccinated but have very weak immune systems (like people with cancer, HIV, or elderly people)

To add to chronicbitchface's list of people who are vulnerable: there are people who can't be vaccinated because they are allergic to vaccine components (some vaccines are cultured in chicken eggs) and in other people the vaccine doesn't take. When I was 14 routine bloodwork revealed I had lost my rubella immunity

Except for the children who are too young for a particular vaccination. This is not a personal issue, its a community issue and the fact that people have trouble seeing this is truly disturbing. I am guessing that you are not one of the "critical thinking" folks, but just in case here is a link for "community immunity.

That's not entirely true, actually. Once a disease outbreak is started by non-vaccinated people, the disease can jump to even vaccinated people sometimes. Particularly if it is a virulent strain. Vaccination, as good as it is, is not 100% effective by itself.

Vaccines do not always have a 100% efficacy rate. Polio and measles vaccines are, IIRC, about 99% effective, which means you can eradicate the disease from a good deal of the population via vaccines and the other 1% will receive herd immunity as the disease will lack the hosts that can effectively spread it.

So yes,

No, it's not just anti-vaxxer kids who get sick. Young infants aren't old enough to get vaccines, and they can catch these diseases and die from them. People who have illnesses or who are on medication that makes them immunocompromised will be likely to catch these illnesses and could suffer complications or die from

As the parent of a nearly 4 year old daughter, I can say that these fuckwits give parents a bad name.

I think a ton of people didn't get what Travis was trying to say here.

What are you talking about? Of course there's such a thing as a ...

I've seen old guys drive 'em.

Quite true and combine that with the "seen and not heard" mantra, parents will get the "that is a very well mannered child" compliment, that is seldom heard in this day and age.

Those types of parents will have kids who grow up and will challenge them and any type of authority...and when they do so, the parents will back them, until the day comes as adults they assault or challenge their parents.

Problem solved.

I'd like add Assholes let their young children "free range" down the aisle because the kid can't get "lost."

You make a decent point there. This hacking and posting of nudes does tend to be hetero-centric, doesn't it? Is it because it is hetero-centric or because we just don't hear about the gay ones?

As I'm reading this exchange, I'm really struck by how many times my desire to marry my partner of 17 years has been called unnatural and disgusting. Rock on, heteros, I guess.

Right? Ugh both these cats are utter losers.