
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

I'm honestly curious, did ketchup come its current form, with shit tons of sugar in it?

And tomatoes from south america.

and ketchup from China.

Don't forget Ketchup.

Lock your kids inside the house so they can sit on their asses and get diabeetus.

Anonymity is used here for more than trolling. The comment section of Erin's Pissing Contests is one example of that, and all of the sub blogs. People talk about very sensitive issues here - experiences of rape, eating disorders, racism and sexism at work, mental health, an infinite number of things you may want

Implying that certain anti-feminist groups wouldn't take advantage of that. I don't want someone to post their story of sexual assault just so assholes can track them down and make their life hell for a few months.

Joel, thank you for the commitment to anonymity. I've seen a few posts questioning why anyone needs anonymity in a comment section because tips can be anonymously emailed. I thought I would address that.

And this was something anticipated all along: not necessarily because of burners but because we eliminated our filters.

Honestly, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. What's to stop me from calling your boss and making up allegations that would get you in trouble. Sure you might be able to prove that the allegations were false, with some effort. But I guarantee if someone knows your name and where you work, they can cause a

Please then, post your name and place of employment for everyone to see just in case someone doesn't like something you say on the internet someday.

Calling people "sensitive divas" isn't exactly the paragon of open-hearted discussion.

Yeah, and again- even though I've had some pretty hearty, wonderful conversations on here and I (think) I've had a pretty decent number of "recommended" posts (it feels ridiculous saying that), I've never been followed. It does give the commenter who really enjoys posting here the feeling that they're not worthy. Like

I like your idea. I think it should hold if you're followed by any of the Gawker media sites, though. I'm followed (or at least I was) by Gawker home, Defamer and Jalopnik (had a star way back, too), if I recall, and I would hope that it's a sign that I can conduct myself appropriately at the rest of the sites in the

As a burner account user... I like it for leaving as little a trail as possible. I retain the key and re-enter it when necessary. Do I want to use the same account I use for work e-mail as I would for a comment regarding the legality of recreational drugs? No.

Well, we believe anonymity is important to people who would be compromised by revealing information tied to their identity. But it does make building commenting systems more intricate!

Honestly burner accounts should be done away with entirely. People should have their accounts linked to a Facebook or an email address with a professional domain (@gawker.com, etc), so that way we can see either people's names or where they work. Then if they post something terrible, readers can take it upon

So is this going to get rid of the ubiquitous link-spam that you find in the comments over all of the Gawker sites too?

It should never have gotten as far as it did. Once the problem was spotted months management should have dealt with it without pulling readers into it. An open letter should NEVER have been necessary. How this was handled was disrespectful to the staff and your readers.

Back to the greys, I go! What all-over fuckery.