
Not only is the homepage crowded and depressing, but it is totally devoid of any helpful information whatsoever.

"For want of a switch," Dickinson concludes, "he lost the presidency."

It's even more interesting the further into the show you go. He was not only frozen a thousand years, and his own grandpa, but he was the victim of a vast alien conspiracy to save the universe on several occasions. The aliens (Nibbler) were the ones who ended up causing him to be frozen in the first place so he'd

Reconstructed sentient superweapon from time immemorial? MULTIPASS!

Harry Potter, Bruce Wayne, and a metric shitton of other fictional heroes walk into the bar. The bartender asks "Why the long faces?", to which the heroes respond loudly in unison: "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!"

Phillip J Fry. He's LITERALLY his own grandpa!

Fair point. Thanks.

If I was licensed to practice law in New York, I'd be offering my legal services for free right meow.

I really, really appreciate you guys openly and honestly addressing this. I'd known for a while that kinja doesn't link IP addresses, but hadn't taken the mental leap to link it to Denton's scheme of luring industry insiders and celebrities into posting (bc that's been sooooo successful so far, although I WAS really

I really believe you should slow your work, seek medical treatment for stress at the cost of HQ, and then based on the outcomes of the treatment either file for workers' comp. or go on strike/sue. Make it too expensive of a problem not to fix.

It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.

For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown

What bothers me about this is that we don't record IP addresses so as to protect these burner accounts for people who might want to tip us anonymously about a story. So the company is seemingly placing a priority on making these hypothetical tipsters feel safe over the safety of the actual real live women who write

They're not the same, at least, not the ones I get from the farmers' market where the hens are treated like royalty and live in conditions that can best be compared to a really fancy health spa. The yolks are darker, and they taste a whole lot better.

Brown eggs are obviously better because it's clear that they're made from post-consumer recycled materials rather than bleached with something nasty and God-knows how much processing to get them that clean white color. When you go into a fast food restaurant, you know that the napkins are recycled material because

As a person who spends a lot of time in the North American woods, my number one animal concern isn't predators, it's a momma moose with a calf. I don't see this doing much good under those circumstances.

I'm ALREADY excited for the stories about people getting mauled because this just pissed the bear off.

Why would it be designed where I would always place my hand, instead of the 'stabbing' end?

Wait a moment, I have to remove a cap and reverse my grip on this stick to use it? I hope to be more than 52" away from any wild animal for this thing to be worthwhile. Either that or have someone between the animal and me.