
Dude, whom does the America historically belongs to, and would that justify a genocide under its residents?

"Israeli Self Defense"

oops, forgot this little fact: According to the United Nations, of 1,814 Palestinians killed, 1,312 (or 72%) are civilians. Of those, 408 are children and 214 are women.

I just read through this whole thing and only about three-five people defend talking on the planes, many more are against it.

Love that website!!

I think it's whiny BS that you absolutely have to make a phone call on a plane. Text or email using the wi-fi.

nope, i'm annoyed that i can hear any of it

A relatively small percentage of people are just annoyingly loud talkers and yes it would be nice to just forbid them from talking altogether, but it's something we've all learned to live with. For whatever reason though, putting a phone up to the ear of a disturbingly large portion of the population makes them

If only that were true, which it's not. People talk louder on their phones than they do to the person sitting next to them.

I find that people who are annoyed by half the conversation are for some reason trying to listen to something that doesn't involve them.

Except it isnt... talking to someone on the phone is completely different than talking to the person next to you or across the aisle form you. You can just ignore the person next to you to get them to stop talking to you or just ask them to leave you be. You can do that to someone on the phone but whether or not they

As explained in the article, there is a large difference between talking to the person next to you and trying to shout into a cell phone that is getting crappy reception because you are thousands of feet in the air, moving very fast, surrounded by metal, and being drowned out by all the other people trying to do the

My dad is the man.

It is unclear where Biddle's funeral will be held, as the nearest church is in a no wake zone

Can you whisper 'loofa' again for me slowly? With a vaguely East European accent?

What if I tell you I'm deeply sorry for inflicting that upon you. Would that help?

The best part of that post...