
And yet somehow I'm still able to make petty, unfunny jokes about them... interesting.

Everything in Germany works.

particular model of the dildo, glad you final found what you where looking for

As a Christian who dislikes all the craven Christians who make the rest of us look bad, I appreciate that Dawkins reminds everyone that asshattery is not limited to religious folk.

P.S. Can't afford it don't drive.

P.S. Not sticking up for the guy, driving without insurance is stupid, but just had to point out it's not dirt cheap in most situations."""

you play you have to PAY —if you can afford the car then you can afford the insurance —or don't drive —or get a cheaper car / walk/ bus ride

Mandatory doesn't mean people don't drive without it unfortunately.

Mayonnaise is the devil's work.

"No one wants their young kids to fall into an unattended pool. It's (one of) a parent's (many) worst nightmare(s)."

Just vomited in my mouth a little.

Shutup, Scrape.

Mr. Cody,

So was it just me or was the floor moving?

"we should jettison the library analogy because that is the exact analogy that Google used"

As someone who is currently in the process of moving house, I've come to the conclusion that ebooks would be a bargain at at twice the price, because they don't weigh anything.

You gave a fresh perspective on the debate, and I appreciate that. It could be "a valuable step toward empowering citizens" but you may be ignoring or misrepresenting the concerns:

I wrote this as a member of the minority group I am discussing, pointed out that people don't mean it badly and suggested that it might be time to retire the term. If you're part of the same minority group and disagree, fine. But if you're not, how is this post not appropriate?

I'd have to put forward an 8th option, a pretty boring one, but seems pretty important: We just don't know, and may not ever know.

What the bloody eff, ISPs have the balls to extort money from Netflix for easing internet traffic? If Netflix handed (my hypothetical ISP) a Netflix box for free I'd count my lucky stars that they weren't charging me for the privilege.

Arrogant Netflix says, "My Netflix can fill you box."