
Something shifted in our society so that while people could enjoy a character like Richie Rich in the 1950's the super wealthy and connected are almost an alien species compared to the daily struggle of those without access to insane wealth or privilege.

I can understand that but at the same time I find most of the humor in this show is punching upwards. The characters in this show are living in a delusional fantasy land where even the most “woke” of them is miles away from perceiving anything close to reality. I appreciate how Ryan related to Kaz and friends but for

This was an enjoyable read.

Amen. Just because a victim’s behavior is typical doesn’t make it normal, and acting as if it does is not sympathy but pandering.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Neo Yokio. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Kaz’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy

I’m stunned, stunned, people don’t like this. It’s not laugh out loud funny but it has moments that make me chuckle randomly days after watching it. It does a really good job of showing high class tropes beside low class behavior and it often does so in blink-and-you’ll-miss-it ways.

I’m gonna say it. I fucking love this show. I feel it’s incredibly stupid, the show knows it’s stupid, and everyone is just missing the joke. It’s like someone slapped in Aqua Teen Adult Swim late night stoner humor into an anime with a dash of Igby Goes Down and called it a day. This show feels like every weeaboo

You deserve a big toblerone.

I love this show and also myself.

I wonder how they’ll blame us for that?

They seem to have confused deconstruction - stripping the hero down to component parts to not only see what makes him or her tick, but to comment on the nature of heroism in general - with destruction, which is sterilizing your hero, robbing them of any human interaction, sticking them in a ridiculous situation and

Deconstruction is fine, but first you have to, you know, construct the characters.

Something about piss was fucking atrocious and the whole my mom has the same name as your mom was fucking stupid.

Sigh. The problem wasn’t that it was too dark or that it deconstructed the hero. Hell, Logan was a much bleaker movie that completely deconstructed Wolverine and it’s one of the best superhero movies of all time.

Right, I got no issues with a deconstructed superhero, but resting an important plot point on two characters’ mothers coincidentally having the same first name isn’t an issue of me not understanding what I’m seeing.

Yeah, they had a golden opportunity to contrast the darkness and grittiness of Batman with the optimism and brightness of Superman. But instead they just turned it all grey.

“The main thing we learned [on Batman v Superman] is that people don’t like to see their heroes deconstructed,” said Snyder. “They like seeing them in all their glory… I think what’s really great is where we’re going is kind of what the audience is wanting. We just had to take the characters from somewhere to bring

I’ll believe it when I see it. I still hate that Deborah Snyder quote tough. Not, it isn’t that I don’t like my heroes deconstructed - I loved Lego Batman, for example. But BvS use the the excuse “it’s deconstruction” to justify having the characters do things that are totally in opposition with the core of these

The thing is, BvS being dark and depressing was the least of its problems. I’m hoping Affleck and the others realized this, as well.

Alternatively, steal the sheet off the Mrs and put some head plugs in. Guaranteed result, I don’t know how she does it and she won’t tell me.