
Gee I dunno... How about they stop making Comic books that cost $5 an issue?

Fuck off, Frank.

Aw, another video. :( I really hope they upload a gallery with photos at some point.

That’s 3 for 3 of these my browser won’t let me watch. Facebook videos I assume?

I agree with you here - why does this have to be a video? This is much better (and less annoying to go through) as a gallery.

Nah, not watching it. Same drunk camera filming as the last two days. Clearly the io9 editors aren’t listening to the commenters (ie the people who keep kinja alive..)

The internet-wide pivot to video is the worst.

Meh. My legs get like that, sitting on the couch for 16 hours watching TV and drinking lean.

Nah man. A truck is only racist if the transmission is, and transmissions tend to lean more on the “you do you, but leave me out of it” school of thought.

I’m taking a shot in the dark, but I’m going to hazard that, as it stands -right now-, this entire clusterfuck is costing the taxpayers far more money than the imagined figures they tend to blame illegal immigrants for.

Nice, I submitted this yesterday - glad to see it got picked up from somewhere. No new chapter so far today.

Aw man. I was going to save that for my very, very, very sexy me time

Seriously? Fucking hell.

The first time I saw the cover to 'My Antonia' I swear I thought it said Catheter. O my god.

Best screen name ever.

i will contribute to this kickstarter!

I laughed harder at this than I did at the butthole.

Single Mom here. There is no excuse for being rude, especially as obviously rude as the other Mom was. That said, there is also no reason why a woman, even a mom to 4 kids can't take 5 minutes to put on a decent pair of jeans- takes just as long to put on the sloppy pants. I used to work nights and pick my kid up from

They don't look like penises to me, either. More like... stubby intestines.

a google image search of "sexy bed time" gave me this.