
I wasn't ridiculing someone outright. Just expressing my thought. Clearly you can't understand that because you're a narrow minded cock sucker.

So I'm not allowed to have an opinion but you are? And that is exactly what is wrong with the internet. I wasn't singling anyone out and ridiculing them like you are. People like you think they have a voice that matters. You're a fucking loser and you always will be.

I don't, and I don't.

So you disagree? But have no actual rebuttal other than an insult? Did I personally offend you, or you just like every other maladjusted internet troll who can't articulate a cohesive thought and just lashes out when their ideas are challenged?

God I seriously think sometimes that The Dark Knight was the worst thing to ever happen to Batman. It put him on the map in a way he never had been before, and with avenues like social media, we gotta look at this over saturation of Bat-shit. Who seriously cares about ANOTHER future Batman or ANOTHER past version?

Wow. I couldn't even finish this. This made the extended Family Guy gag look tamed in comparison. I seriously don't get this new "funny because it's bizarre" type of humor. It makes me think these people just don't know how to write a joke.

A dad who trolls his kids....


Yeah, they're clearly the same. What a fucking dumb sentence. Clearly looking for fluff to pad an already half useless article.

I feel the same way. i wonder if it was on purpose so DC could have a more unified look for their Batmobiles without having too many variations to stray from a specific style guide. It's almost too similar to be coincidence.

This is kinda stupid...and not very funny.

Has a point, then loses it quickly.

A zig zag skunk repellant house huh?....sure.

God these are so fucking bad. I hate myself every time I watch one. I couldn't even get past the first 30 seconds.

If cops keep this up, watch, people are gonna start fighting back.

Much better than trapping a free man...

I'm sorry, but what were they "trying" to do. It looks pretty successful to me.

Yup. Just talentless under achievers making fairly obvious references that don't serve any real purpose outside of being lazy click bait.