
That’s what i figured too. There’s a slanted wave cut along the top. It looks different from different angles. The shapes don’t change. It’s why the shadows are the same.

This joke is so played.

This joke is so played.

I agree about the T2 never happening argument. Everyone keeps saying this movie negates T3 and T4 but it really negates all the sequels. Judgement Day doesn’t happen in 1997 in T2. It happens in 1997 in T1. They stop Judgement Day in T2. It’s put off until 2004. So that would mean the events in the future of T5 occur

All this has really proven is that writer Patrick Lussier has no idea what he’s talking about and probably should have been the last person to write the Terminator sequel. To begin with, that explanation about the building of the time machines is horse shit, and doesn’t make a lick of sense. John as the T-3000 is

Take your shirt off!

Give this man all the vaginas.

The horror....

Yeah maybe, but it also could be part of a small run of defects waiting to be released. If so, it's probably good he unloaded it now. It could be worth less if it turns out to be a more common error down the road.

They're still using the Burton 89' music? I'll pass.

You're still completely missing the point. I'm still allowed to have an opinion on something. I shouldn't be ridiculed simply for what I think. I didn't say anyone wasn't allowed to like it. I don't have to be some conformist sheep and like Batman just because other people do. I do like Batman, a lot, but I think like

Here's the problem. There was no initial personal attack. I was commenting on the culture that has swept up so many people in the past 6 years due to a movie and how I personally was tired of it. I didn't single anyone out. I didn't say anyone was less than for liking it, but like all things online, it snowballs into


ok buddy. ur'e the coolest. I forgot.

I didn't read any of that.

Son I've been reading Batman since Silver Saint Cloud. I can tell you it IS different, because everyone under the age of 30 thinks they know everything about the fandom and they just come off like overzealous myopic fanboys.