
This movie is solid. It just goes to show that the taste makers of the world don't have editors or filters like they use to, and unfortunately are allowed to publish this shit.

At first I was like "an exploding building? so what?" then I saw the release date...

clever...wow....omg.... Now go kill urself.

Can we move on as a society and drop the "deserves" slogan from every fuckin Batman related article posted? Please?

dat ass!

............. welp. I'm gonna go get a sandwich.

I love Reluctant Hero with a Vengeance. Probably the best of the Reluctant Hero series.

You should try thai food. It should be at the top of the list really.

Cuz I fight little girls.

They fight like little girls.

Simpsons did it first.

I lasted about 10 seconds....

Wieeenerrr. wiener wiener.. wieeeen-eeer..... Wieeeeneerrr. wieeneer wieener. wieener wien-errr..

What are the odds they all knew the words!?

Good thing they added that music. I might not have taken it seriously otherwise.

This is not the game you're looking for.

"consulting with a doctor face-to-face" Did he just say that?

Um, season 6 is one of the best ones. The first 4 eps alone are what got me into the series.